shes a free woman

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The next morning Morticia wakes up before the girl and gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek. "I hope you like detention because that's what your week is going to be filled with once I tell Principal Weems what a bad girl you've been."

Throwing on a robe over her nightdress, Morticia leaves the girl to sleep and walks two doors down. She knocks on the headmistresses door and as expected, the woman is up and ready.

"Miss Frump? To what do I owe the pleasure?" Morticia eyes are trained on Larissas well toned arms that are showing through her sleeveless dress.

Larissa tilts Morticias head up and a smirk tugs at the blonde woman's lips. "My eyes are up here." Morticia merely smiles up at the woman.

"Really? I thought they were down here..." Morticia whispers out before she glides her gaze down to Larissas full chest.

Larissa let's go of Morticias chin and turns red. "I was coming to inform you that Miss Y/l/n has been missing from my class for the past week." Morticia says, her eyes still locked onto Larissas chest.

"I'll be sure to deal with it..." Larissa eyes the sleeve of Morticias nightgown as it falls off of her shoulder, revealing her bare collarbone. The women say nothing more as they take each other in.

"You are truly a beautiful woman, Larissa." Morticia compliments and Larissa almost moans at the comment. She had never said anything like that to her before.

"Fuck me." Larissa whispers out and Morticia smirks. "How hard?"


I rush to my dorm and get ready for the day. I quickly run down to breakfast and sit down in the corner with Yoko.

"What's got you so jumpy?" She asks, and I make a fool of myself when I jump at her voice. "Nothing." I say with a smile and she rolls her eyes.

I realise just now that neither Principal Weems nor Miss Frump are at the teachers table and I frown. That's odd.

"Hey Yoko wanna go into town?" I ask and am already packing away my things. She nods and we leave the hall.

On the way back I hear the familiar clicking of heels and I grab Yoko and hide in a broom closet. "Morticia, if you talk any louder someone is going to hear." Principal Weems says in a tired tone.

"What's the matter Rissa? Don't want anyone knowing what Nevermores mommy is doing behind closed doors?" I frown and so does Yoko. We stick our ears to the door and listen.

"More like who..." Yoko and I gasp, quickly covering each others mouths. I hear the footsteps pause and I pray to god they don't check in here.

5. 10. 15. It takes a whole 20 seconds before the footsteps finally continue and fade down the hallway.

"What the fuck?" Yoko laughs but I don't find it funny. "Let's go." I say and grab her hand, pulling her out of the closet.

"What's the matter?" She asks as we speed through the hallway. I say nothing. What am I suppose to say when I myself don't even know why I'm mad?

I mean Principal Weems is a free woman. A free woman. That's what she is. I repeat that to myself as we walk to my dorm to get ready.


We make it into town and all I can think about is who Principal Weems is fucking. Am I just a fuck to her?

The thought alone makes me a bit annoyed. "Y/n? What do you think?" Yoko asks as she comes out of the changing room in a skin tight dress that shows everything.

"I can't decide wether I want to take it, or take it off you." I laugh and she blows me a kiss. "So basically, you love me." She teases and I roll my eyes.

"Are you gonna try on anything?" She asks me and I sigh. I'm letting this whole Principal Weems thing get to me too much.

"I wasn't going to." Yoko groans and grabs me. "Why the hell would we come here then?" I shrug and she pushes me into the changing room.

"Stay there. I'm going to get you something to wear." I sigh in defeat and sit down on a bench in the changing room waiting for her.

She throws a dress over the door and I catch it. "Try it on." She says and I scoff. "No cause I was going to hang myself with it."

"Girl just shut up and put the damn dress on." I groan and take off my clothes. "Yes mum." I retort back and she laughs.

I try the dress on and am not actually mad at it. It's a dark red with a sheer black fabric printed with patterns covering it. It also has a slit on the side.

"Show me." Yoko urges and I open the door. "What do we think?" I ask and she scoffs. "I think I might just kiss you." She jokes and I smile. This is definitely making me feel better about myself.

"Okay next one." She hands me another dress that's shorter and completely black with an open back. I close the door and put it on.

Also not mad at this choice either. I open the door and show her and she nods in approval. "You look like a bikers girlfriend in that." I frown. "What does that even mean?"

"You need to find a biker boyfriend or girlfriend to match the outfit." I scoff and smile. I close the door and wait for her to hand me my next outfit.

"Yoko?" "Yes?" She says in a high pitched voice. I frown, being suspicious of what she's doing right now. "Where's my next outfit?"

Theres silence and Im about to open the door again to check if she's still there. "Yoko?" There isn't an answer but instead, another outfit is thrown over the door.

I catch it and my eyes widen. "Yoko! This is underwear!" She laughs. "Just put it on!" She pleads and I sigh. "Fine! But you could've at least asked me to dinner first." I joke and put it on.

I look in the mirror and stare at myself. The set is completely black and the underwear itself is attached to thigh high stockings. My middle is completely bare.

The bra is sheer at the cups, showing every part of my breasts. "You don't have to show me but I just wanted to make sure you didn't have only granny panties in your drawer."

I roll my eyes and take the set off. I'm definitely buying it. "Yoko could you say that any louder?" I ask as I pick up the clothes off of the floor and change.

"Yeah I could. YOU DONT HAVE TO S-" I quickly open the door and place my hand over her mouth. Everyone in that store is looking at us and I turn red.

"Enough about my grannie panties let's go."


We make it back to school and immediately when I look up out of habit at Principal Weems office, she's already staring down at me. Her gaze is cold and im sure she can see my soul right now.

I shiver and push my hair out of my face, cursing Miss Frump in my head.


Wordcount: 1229

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