full house

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It's outreach day today and all the students and staff are crowded in the quad, waiting for instructions from principal Weems.

I take a seat on a bench behind the crowd and lay my head down, hoping to get a few minutes of sleep. I didn't sleep much last night considering I had Principal Weems and her fingers inside me to think about.

I sigh and yawn. I need coffee. "What's the matter, Cara Mia?" Miss Frump asks as she sits down next to me and rubs my back. I have to stop myself from smiling because I'm still mad at her.

I move away from her hand and she laughs.
"Oh love, I'm sorry." She says and it sounds sincere. But I kinda still want to be mad at her.

My head peaks up in interest as she sets something on the table. A large, heavenly smelling cup of coffee.

I look at her and she smiles teasingly. I grab it and almost moan as the coffee slips down my throat. It's made exactly the way I like it.

I smile and turn back to her. She's watching me with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Thank you..." Impulsively, I lean forward and kiss her on the cheek. I freeze as I pull away and she does too, before she blinks and her smirk grows wider.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly and look down at the coffee in my hands. "Don't apologise, Cara Mia. You can kiss me anytime." I blush and look up at her.

"I'll keep that in mind." I say stupidly and she winks. "I hope so."

"Y/n!" I hear someone call out and I turn to see Miss Thornhill walking towards me. I wave and she sits down next to me.

"How have you been?" She asks, rubbing my shoulder. I smile. "I've been good. You?" She adjusts the glasses on her nose. "Oh you know, tending to my plants."

I nod thoughtfully and take a sip of the coffee in my hands.

"Here's your job. I picked it out for you myself." She hands me an envelope and I thank her. I open it and almost cheer as the note inside reads: 'The Weathervane Cafe.'

All day, surrounded by the fumes of coffee? Heaven.

I hug Miss Thornhill and she laughs. "Thank you!" I say and she hugs me back. "Ill stop by later to see how you're doing." She says and I break away and nod.

She stands and bids me goodbye. I take another swig of the coffee and realise just now that Miss Frump is still sitting next to me.

She doesn't say anything and instead watches Miss Thornhill walk away, a look of distaste on her face. I frown and look up as I hear Principal Weems on the microphone.


I've already met Tyler and he's surprisingly not annoying. I make another customer a coffee and hand it to them. "You're good at this." He praises and I smile.

"I know." He throws me the whipped cream can and I pour it on top of the coffee and hand it to another customer.

"I'll go get another can. You can eat the rest." He says and walks away, as if he did not just give me the rest of the only half used can of whip cream. God I love this place.

I sit down at a booth and spray the whip cream in my mouth, looking out the window. I tilt my head back and spray more in my mouth.

Once I bring my head back down, I almost drop the can when I see Miss Frump standing there. My mouth is stuffed with whip cream as I smile sheepishly at her.

I swallow and stare at her. Her hand moves to my face and I freeze. Her thumb reaches for the corner of my lip and she collects the whipped cream that I hadn't noticed.

She raises her thumb to her mouth and sucks on it softly while staring directly at me. My face twitches and I slowly squeeze my legs together.

"Divine." She smirks down at me and I nod, my face red. She sits down and I try not to look at her. She reaches across the table and snatches the can of whipped cream from me.

"Hey! Give it back!" I sigh and reach forward. She holds it out of my reach and I frown, settling back in my chair. "Want some, hm?" She asks playfully.

I nod slowly, wanting to see where she's gonna take this. She sprays a good amount of whip cream on her ring and middle fingers and holds it infront of my face.

I blush bright red as she smirks down at me. "I- This isn't professional, Miss Frump." Is all I get out and I know she's not taking me seriously. "Professionalism isn't my best quality. Now suck." She demands.

I unintentionally move forward and immediately wrap my lips around her fingers. I blush once I realise I did it out of instinct and look up at her.

"Go on, Darling." She urges, her pupils darkening. I wrap my tongue around her fingers and suck gently. She removes her fingers from my mouth, a string of spit following.

I'm grateful this booth is all the way in the back corner of the cafe so nobody can see us. Before she can say any more I hear the sound of familiar leather boots.

I peak my head out of the booth and spot Miss Thornhill at the entrance looking around. She spots me and waves. I wave back and gesture her to sit next to me.

She does so and smiles. She realises Miss Frump is sitting across from me and shifts uncomfortably in her chair because she hasn't said anything.

"Miss Frump." She nods formally and Miss Frump smiles, one that doesn't reach her eyes. "Miss Thornhill."

I frown at her. "So, darling-" I swear I hear a squeak from Miss Frump. "how's your day going?" I excitedly tell her everything I've done today and once I get to the best part (the whip cream) she giggles.

I lick my lips, missing the taste of the whip cream. I look at Miss Frump and hold my hand out, blushing as I realise her fingers are still in the same position, just set on the table.

She stares at me. She knows she'll have to give it back otherwise Miss Thornhill will look at her weird. And I smile in victory as she hands it over.

"Want some?" I offer to Miss Thornhill and she laughs. "No, darling, im good thank you." I shrug. "Your loss."

I spray more in my mouth as I hear another pair of familiar shoes hitting the ground. I don't even have to sit up to see her coming. I stare at her the whole time she walks over and so does everyone else.

She frowns when she realises I'm not alone and I'm honestly thankful. I don't like the nervous wreck I become when I'm around her. And it's worse when we're alone.

"Ladies." She smiles tightly, pushing Miss Frump- who was refusing to move, out of the way quite easily and sitting down beside her.

I turn to the window and sigh, spraying more whipped cream into my mouth. Well fuck me round the block why don't you.


Wordcount: 1238

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