"Thanks, but no thanks."

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Larissa knew she would regret hiring her former roommate as Nevermores history teacher but she didn't expect it to be this serious.

She wishes she wasn't so naive that she actually believed Morticia when she said she would not use olden day torture devices on students to show them what it was like.

If this were any other school, Morticia would've been pushed out the door the second that student was sent to the infirmary because she was bleeding from her head. But this, of course was not like any other school.

And besides, she was probably Nevermores most liked teacher. Larissa was sure it couldn't have been for her teaching methods but for her looks. She knew this was the answer because it was partly the reason many of her students liked her too. Though she didn't take pleasure in being objectified by horny teenage boys and girls like Morticia did.

She wasn't as liked as Morticia, but that didn't bother her. She of course, was not willing to wear such low cut dresses as Morticia liked to.

And no amount of desire to be liked would change that.

Larissa was quite happy to handle the paperwork while Morticia flaunted herself around the halls and by drooling teenagers.

She was however, starting to get annoyed at the amount of attention Morticia was getting recently. It had increased after people found out she had a daughter who lives in Spain.

Even Larissa couldn't help but wonder what they were saying about Morticia. She had hoped the outcome was Morticia getting her ego brought down several notches.

But, that hope was popped like a balloon when she caught a whisper from around the corner of a random corridor. "That just made her that much hotter. I love milfs."

Larissa shivered at the casual objectification and turned the other way.

Not before, of course, hearing Morticia giggle. She had obviously heard them.

"And I love women." Morticia fires back. And Larissa is sure it only eggs the boys on further.

Larissa wasnt sure how Morticia was so comfortable sharing that part of her personal life with strangers but wasn't about to stop and have a chat about it.

That part of Larissa's life, would have to be kept private.


I drop my bags at the entrance of the school and stop a student passing by. "Excuse me?" She takes her headphones off and smiles at me. "Hi, did you need help?"

I nod and she pauses her music. "Oh- I'm sorry." I say quickly. I myself hate when people disrupt my music. "Oh it's no problem dont worry. Where are you heading?"

I explain to her that I have to be in Principal Weems office in 3 minutes and she grabs half of my bags. "Well follow me. Principal Weems really doesn't like being kept waiting."

I thank her and she smiles while leading me into the halls. We walk further into the building until she leads me to a crowded hallway.

A woman in a very low cut black dress is walking down the hall. She shows classic traits of a vampire: The pale skin, the long black hair, the fangs that she's trying to hide.

And I realise why the hallway is so crowded at once.

What surprises me though is that there are girls in here aswell. And they're all just staring. Boy or girl. They're all staring.

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