"Please don't tell Principal Weems."

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"Where are we even going?" I ask the girls and they smirk at eachother. "You are not taking me to an underground drug ring, are you?"

They laugh and I sigh in relief. "Of course not silly. Not an underground one." Before I can protest, they've already pushed me into a building that has a bouncer waiting at the entrance.

"Id please." We give him our ids and he stares at Yoko for an uncomfortable amount of time. "So, Miss Yoko Tan-"

Before he can finish his sentence, Yoko groans and pushes us forward, snatching her id from the bouncer. "So, Miss Yoko Tanaka, what position is your favourite?" Divina mocks and we giggle.

We walk into the building and I realise it's a club. "Who knew Jericho had a club."

We sit down at a table and Yoko orders us drinks. "Have you drank before?" Enid asks me and I smile. "I could outdrink you all."

"I'd love to see that."


$200 worth of shots later, and we're all on the verge of blacking out. "What's the time?" Enid slurs, dropping her glass clumsily on the table. I check my watch and squint. "I think I forgot how to tell the time."

We laugh and get up, wobbling on our feet. "Come on, let's have one more dance before we go back." We all get up and head to the dance floor.

We dance idiotically, bumping into the people around us. Though they don't notice because they're just as wasted as us.

After the song ends we head out of the club we walk back to school. "Hey-" Yoko stumbles into me and I almost fall. "Does anyone remember if we asked Miss Thornhill for a permission slip to go to town?"

If I were sober, I'd be worried but right now I'm just worried about falling flat on my face.

"I don't remember." Divina giggles as we see the gates of the school. "Hey- y/n where'd you get that?" Enid asks, pointing at my collarbone.

I frown and look down. "What?" Yoko laughs and gives me a mirror. "Woah." I say, noticing several bright purple hickeys. And only then do I notice everyone else besides Enid has one too.

"You guys might not want to look in the mirror." Yoko and Divina take turns using the mirror and laugh. "Woah. Whoever gave me mine has really sharp teeth." Divina whispers, touching the faint scratch just below her hickey.


We sneak back into the school grounds and im the only one with enough initiative to take off my shoes. "Who's there?" A voice i recognise asks and we all scramble in different directions.

Because I'm not wearing shoes, it's a lot easier for me to sneak away from Principal Weems. I hear her heels clicking quickly in the opposite direction as I slip upstairs and into my dorm.

I almost think I've gotten away with it until-

"Jesus!" I shriek as I find Miss Frump sitting on my bed, looking directly at me. "Miss Frump..." I shift my weight uncomfortable from one foot to the other.

I shiver with pleasure as she looks me over, practically devouring me from head to toe. "Come here, Miss Y/l/n."

I'm scared as hell she's going to tell Principal Weems so I practically run over. She grows to her full height, and though she's not that much taller than me, her gaze is enough to make me feel the height of a garden gnome.

She lifts my chin up, leaning down to investigate my neck. I can feel her breath against my skin and I feel myself turning red. "Someone's been a very bad girl." She pouts, tutting.

"Please don't tell Principal Weems." I say and she laughs. "Oh darling, Principal Weems isn't the one you have to worry about."

I gasp in both surprise and pleasure as I feel her place a tender kiss on my pulse line.

Before it gets any further, she pulls away and walks to my door. "I'd rather you give yourself to me sober, darling." I frown again. There's that cockiness that always gets on my nerves.

"I wouldn't give myself to you, sober, drunk, high, or stupid." I reply, discarding my shoes. "You already have, love." I try to suppress a blush at the nickname and turn on my heel to stare at her.

I see her fangs coming into view and I get the message. I scoff. "I did that so you would shut up." I hiss and she just chuckles.

"One thing you'll learn about me soon enough, is nothing makes Morticia Frump shut up. Except a good fuck."


I wake up, surprisingly not feeling sick at all. I am hungry as fuck though. I make myself look presentable and head downstairs with a bottle of aspirin in my hand.

Once I get to the table where the girls along with Ajax and Xavier are sitting, I chuck the bottle in the air and they practically wrestle each other for it.

"My god I need blood." Yoko groans, rubbing her forehead and i feel bad for her. "When's the last time you ate?" Enid asks Yoko and she shrugs.

"The supply's been low lately. Everyone seems hesitant to give their blood, would you believe it?" I giggle and Divina rolls her eyes. "Oh my god really? I never would've guessed."

"Any of you guys get caught?" I ask the question I've been dying to and they all laugh. "Yup. Every single one of us. Detention with Miss Thornhill for two weeks. That includes weekends because Miss Thornhill tends to her plants on weekends too."

I feel bad for deserting them. "Hey Yoko, on a scale of one to ten, how bad is your hunger?" She thinks it over for a moment.

"Well the day before yesterday I barely noticed it, then I drank my brains out and it went to 7, and then I woke up this morning to the news that they didn't have our weekly supply. So I'm fucking famished and annoyed."

I don't think twice and grab an empty fruit cup from Enid. "What're you doi-" I grab a knife and slice through my hand. I know every vampire in this hall is staring at me as I let my hand drip over the fruit cup.

As I'm waiting for the cup to fill up, I can feel someone's gaze quite literally burning through me. I look up at the teachers table and find Miss Frump staring directly at me, trying to hide her fangs that are growing longer the more she stares.

Principal Weems is staring directly at me too, but I see she's holding Miss Frump still, like if she lets go she might actually attack my neck. I wink at Miss Frump, showing her she's not special for me giving her my blood and she wiggles more against Principal Weems grip.

"Drink up, buddy." I say as I fill the cup and pass it over to Yoko. "My god I love you." Yoko says as she downs the cup and wipes her mouth. "Virgin. Interesting." She says and I freeze.

"What?" She covers her mouth. "Shit. I didn't realise I said that out loud." My eyes slowly make their way back to Miss Frump and she's finally settled down, but is still staring at me. She's smirking. She knows what we were talking about.

She winks back at me. And I know it's because she's taunting me with the info I unknowingly gave her. What have I done?

Wordcount: 1265.

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