born to die

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A/n: I may write a sequel pookies.


Xavier and I are dancing like this is the last night of our lives. Though he doesn't know, this is one of my last nights at this school. At this heaven turned hell.

I still laugh every time I look over my shoulder and Irene and Miss Thornhill are dancing. You can tell they're not here as a romantic couple, but as friends. They look very happy to be with eachother though.

I still haven't figured out how I'm supposed to tell all my friends that in a couple of hours, I'm leaving the country. I'll probably tell them tomorrow at breakfast or something. And I need to make sure to say goodbye to Miss Thornhill.

"You don't have to worry about doing whatever I want for the week!" I yell at Xavier over the music. He looks confused at first, "Unless you wanted to jump into the lake right now!" He shakes his head and I laugh.

"Come on let's get drinks!" A little birdy told me the punch was spiked, and I want to test the theory. I fill my cup up to the brim and look at Xavier. "Go!" We race to finish the cups of spiked punch, and of course, because im amazing at everything I do, I win.

"Wow what an alcoholic." He jokes and I throw my cup at him. He takes my hand and pulls me back onto the dance floor, and as he does, I catch a glimpse of Principal Weems and Miss Frump. I smirk, knowing they're watching me.

And so, I do something, that I know will leave an impression on them. "Xavier wait here!" I walk over to the Miss Thornhill and smile as Irene wraps an arm around me.

"What're you doing, love?" Irene asks. I turn to her. "They're watching." She smirks, getting what I'm trying to say. "Miss Thornhill, can I please have a second with my aunt." I ask and she nods, "Of course sweetheart, I'll be by the drinks if you need me!"

She walks away and Irene stares down at me. "You really want to go?" She asks and I nod eagerly, smiling. "I want to leave this place behind. And I wouldn't want to do it with anyone but you."

She smirks, "Well then, there's no reason for me not to do this." She leans down, kissing me hot and heavy, and I realise everyone else probably is too, but I know I will be the one they're looking at, because by me kissing my "aunt", it only means one thing for them: they lost.


"Oh there goes her aunt...with Miss Thornhill?" Morticia says to Larissa, like a news reporter. "My my...that top does look quite good on her chest..." Morticia murmurs to herself and Larissa laughs.

"Can you not eye fuck every adult here, especially not her aunt." Morticia rolls her eyes and begins looking around again.

"My word does she look good tonight..." Morticia says, Miss Y/l/n catching the eye of both members of staff. Larissa almost moans at the sight of her chest on display.

"So eatable...isn't she?" Larissa asks, her eyes scanning the girls figure. "If eatable needed a definition." Morticia retorts.

They watch as the girl dances against Xavier, and every time their bodies meet, their chest tightens. They watch as the girl leaves Xavier and pushes through the crowd to find her Aunt.

Miss Thornhill gives them their privacy, and not a minute later, they're kissing, hard. Larissa gasps, the smirk leaving her face. "That lying slut." Morticia hisses as they feel each other up on the dance floor.

"I knew that wasn't her aunt." Larissa hisses, anger pooling in her throat. "When I get my hands on her-"
Oh, but if they knew.


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