"Talk about what?"

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I groan as my alarm goes off. I set it for 6:50 pm so I would have time to get to Principal Weems office after I freshened myself up.

After I finish freshening myself up I leave my dorm and lock it behind me, taking a deep breath as I walk to Principal Weems office.

Once I get there, I'm about to knock on the door when I hear voices coming from inside. I can't help but place my ear on the door. What can I say? im nosy.


"Morticia, what are you doing here?" Larissa asks as Morticia sits sideways on a chair infront of Larissa's fireplace.

"I'm boreddddd." Morticia replies, standing up and walking to the chair infront of Larissa's desk. She sits and Larissa stares down at her in disapproval.

"And what, exactly, do you want me to about that?" Larissa sighs, rubbing her forehead. She has a detention she has to take care of and Morticia is still hovering around her.

"I don't know. What do you want to do about that?" Morticia asks, supporting her head in her hands and staring back up at Larissa.

"Well to be quite frank, Miss Frump, I want to throw you in my fireplace. That would certainly cure my boredom." Larissa says, a smile plastered on her face. But that smile falters when she sees Morticias smile growing.

"You know you love me, Rissa." Morticia teases, pouting her lip. Larissa rolls her eyes and checks the time. She has about 3 minutes before her detention with Miss Y/l/n starts.

"As torturous as this has been, I have a student coming to my office for detention." Larissa says dismissively as she types away on her laptop. At this Morticia sits up straight.

"Detention? Since when do you do detentions...and in your office, at that?" She raises a suggesting eyebrow and Larissa narrows her eyes. "This is your sacred space, since when do you ever let students in here without it being about business?"

Larissa groans and shuts her laptop. "If you're in here, I'm sure a student being in here won't be much worse." Morticia still doesn't feel discouraged and instead smirks up at Larissa.

"Well let them come." Morticia says, settling back in her chair. "Excuse me?" Larissa replies, linking her hands together and placing them on her desk.

"Well I wanna see who this student is that's getting such special treatment." Morticia smirks and the sight infuriates Larissa. Before she can reply however, there's a knock on the door.


I literally couldn't make out any of their conversation. After getting tired of trying I finally knock and look down at my watch.

Right on time.

"Come in."

I open the door and peak my head in, trying to find who the second voice I could hear belonged to. I internally groan as I find Miss Frump sitting on a chair infront of Principal Weems desk.

I ignore her presence and close the door behind me, though the task proves difficult because I can feel her staring at me.

"Sit." Principal Weems orders and I sit on the furthest chair from Miss Frump (it's only two chairs away but still). Principal Weems stares down at me. "It would be of your best interest to sit somewhere other than Antartica."

I roll my eyes behind my hair and move over another seat. "Why so scared hm? I won't bite." Miss Frump says in a playful tone and I finally look at her with a tight, irritated smile.

I pretend to not know she's making a vampire joke because im not sure the rest of the school has noticed. Being that none of them take the time to stare at her teeth, of course.

"Well, considering you aren't a rabid animal, I would certainly hope not." I reply and she smirks at me. "Sharp tongue. I like that..." She trails off as her focus is moved to my neck. I shiver and all of a sudden feel nervous.

I can feel myself going redder the longer I look at her so I focus my attention on Principal Weems, but it only makes the blush worse.

"That's quite enough, Miss Frump."


"That's quite enough, Miss Frump." Larissa warns Morticia as she notices her fangs coming into view. Morticia looks over at Larissa, and Larissa swears her fangs grow longer until Morticia realises what she's doing.

Morticia shakes her head and screws her eyes shut. Sometimes the temptation of another's blood was hard for Morticia to resist, some being stronger than others.

This is mainly why Morticia was so keen on Women from such a young age. Because the smell and taste of their blood was far tastier and sweeter than any man's ever was.

"In the cupboard, Miss Frump." Larissa points to a cupboard across the room and Morticia quickly stands, the smell of blood growing stronger and stronger the closer she got.

Morticia opens the cupboard and almost moans as she finds a full bag of Larissa's blood just sitting there, waiting to be devoured.

Morticia snatches it up and looks at Larissa who nods formally, as if she did not spend 2 weeks collecting a bit of her own blood every night in a bag just for Morticia.

Morticia could hug Larissa right now. Hell she'd get on her knees and bark if Larissa asked her to right now. Her craving for blood lately was going haywire and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out.

Morticia takes a cup from the cupboard and slices the bag open with her nail, dripping every last drop into a cup.

Morticia sits back down in her chair and takes a small sip of the liquid, holding in a moan. There was nothing quite like the taste of a woman's blood.

"You understand, Miss Y/l/n, that you are forbidden to talk about anything you've just seen, yes?" The voice of Larissa brings Morticia back to earth.

The pair stare down at the younger girl, causing her to shift uncomfortably in her chair. "Talk about what?"

Wordcount: 1022.

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