'aunt' irene

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It's 7:50pm and I'm getting ready for Irene (our sneaky link) to pick me up. I'm standing on my balcony, waiting to see her car pull up.

Once it does I jump off of my balcony and on to the roof. I take the shortest path to the front gate and climb down from a tall tree.

I run to her car and jump in. "Who thought we'd see eachother again." Irene smiles cheekily and I smile back. She leans over, cupping my face and turning it towards her before connecting our lips in a desperate kiss.

I return it with just as much lust but pause briefly because I can't shake the feeling of being watched.


"Yeah. Okay. Goodnight." Larissa sighs irritably as she slams the phone down on the receiver. "Useless fucking normies." She mutters to herself as she continues filling out paper work.

The door is pushed open and because she's used to it, she waves absentmindedly at the chair, gesturing Morticia to sit.

"Awe my love where's the excitement?" Morticia questions and Larissa scoffs. "Gone with your husband." She teases. "You know you love me." Morticia smirks back.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Larissa shrugs, a playful smile on her face. Morticia takes a seat and swings her legs over the side of the chair.

"Can you not sit properly?" Larissa rolls her eyes and stands, not missing the way Morticias eyes were glued to her figure.

"Nope." Morticia says dismissively, picking at her fingers. Larissa waltzes over to her balcony and opens the double doors.

Her eyes instinctively move over to her Miss Y/l/ns bedroom window. The curtains are drawn and the lights are off. She hums softly, figuring that the girl has finally learnt her lesson.

"Watcha lookin at?" Morticia asks, moving to stand next to Larissa at the railing of the balcony. "The world." Larissa answers dryly.

"Mmm..." Larissa rolls her eyes playfully as Morticias arms sneak around her waist. "I can give you something better to look at..."

Larissa sighs softly as the woman places feather light kisses around her neck. "Morticia you hopeless romantic..." Larissa jokes.

"Is it really hopeless when I have you?" Larissa giggles at the comment and tightens her hold on the railing. Her eyes flutter shut and she struggles to stay up right.

Once she comes back down to earth, her eyes open and she spots a black Range Rover sitting outside of the school gates.

She tries squinting her eyes, but gets momentarily distracted when Morticias magically hand slips to her breast where she gives a firm squeeze.

"M-morticia, inside- please." Morticia obliges and drags Larissa inside by pulling on her dress.


I see everything.


"Irene! Oh my god!" We've been going at it for hours and I fear if she gives me another orgasm after this one, I might just be able to see the future. And it's very very dark.

"Cum for me. Show me how much you desire me." I find myself happy she didn't say love because then I wouldn't have had another orgasm. I don't love her. And she doesn't love me.

It's sad when you think about it, how it's just meaningless sex. But as she nibbles on my clit and I release on her tongue, I find myself not worrying about the meaning.

Sex isn't meaningful any way.


Ive built a routine. Classes, then spend my free time sleeping because god knows I don't get any when I'm with Irene, detention and then sneak out to Irene's car at night.

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