"Do you ever shut up, Miss Frump?"

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I'm sitting in Miss Thornhills class next to Xavier, writing down notes whenever I find necessary. I told him to stop drawing and take down some notes but he just said he'd copy off me.

The door to the conservatory opens and in walks Principal Weems, a clipboard in her hand. I turn back to Xavier and watch him draw. He really is skilled.

He draws a spider with a charcoal pen and raises his hand over it. His hand tenses and soon enough, the spider has come to life and is crawling up to me.

"Woah." I say and go to pick up the spider when a hand lands on top of it, crushing it into charcoal dust.

I jump and so does the rest of the class. I stare up at Principal Weems who's staring down at Xavier, an irritated smile on her lips.

"I will not have you distracting other students, Mr Thorpe." He closes his book sheepishly and I shake my head, laughing. "Told you so." I say and Xavier glares at me.

"That's enough talking between you two." I turn my head and roll my eyes, mumbling to myself. "Is there something you'd like to say, Miss y/l/n?"

All traces of nice Principal Weems is gone. And now I realise why nobody believed me that principal Weems had carried my bags unless they saw it themselves.

"No, Headmistress." I say, smiling tightly at her. "Thought so." I fight back an eyeroll and frown as she shoos Xavier off his chair. I assume she wants us to move tables so I stand.

"What are you doing?" She asks, staring down at me. Even when she's sitting and I'm standing she still towers over me. "Sit back down."

I don't protest and sit back down while Xavier sits on an empty table on his own. I turn to him and mouth "I told you so." He rolls his eyes and begins making fun of Principal Weems behind her back.

I stiffle a laugh and quickly turn back to the front when I realise Principal Weems is staring at me. "So...everyone say good afternoon Principal Weems."


I breathe a sigh of relief when class is over and pack up my things. Principal Weems left about 5 minutes before the bell went. As I head for the door, I feel a hand grab my wrist softly.

"Hey, how're you settling in y/n?" Miss Thornhill asks and I smile. "I've been okay. I've already met some great people." I assure her as she rubs my shoulder. We walk together to the hall for lunch.

"Im sorry about what happened in class today. I know Principal Weems can be intimidating but her intentions are good." I exhale and nod. I'd have to remember that.

"Have a good rest of your day, Miss Thornhill." I say and hug her quickly. She's the only person to check on me since I got here and I appreciate it a lot. She freezes at first but then pats me on the back and laughs. "You too, darling."


Larissa and Morticia are at it once again, bickering and whatnot. "Do you ever shut up, Miss Frump?" Larissa asks seriously, her eyes looking anywhere but at Morticia.

"Only if someone makes me." Morticia says dreamily, her head supported in her hands as she stares at nothing.

"Well I better find that someone because I don't know much longer I can take this." Larissa stiffens when she feels Morticia wrap an arm around her waist and squeeze.

"Well, until then. But for now I'm afraid you're stuck with me."

Larissa hopes the makeup on her face is covering her cheeks well enough so that Morticia couldn't make out the warmth working its way up her neck to her cheeks.

"Yes...until then..."

Larissa trails off and zones out. Morticia frowns as she realises the blondes attention is no longer on her. Moticia removes her arm from around Larissa and follows her line of sight.

When Morticia sees Miss y/l/n hugging Miss Thornhill she scoffs. Is this who she preferred to interact with over her?

She can't help the way her grip tightens on her fork.
And she narrows her eyes when she finds Larissa having the same trouble, only with her knife.


I'm not the least bit excited for my next class, which is of course with Miss Frump. History bores me and I know Miss Frump is going to hold the fact I "humiliated" her in that hallway against me.

If I did anything, it was humiliate myself because I rejected one of the hottest teachers here.

I take a deep breath before I open the door, and the second I do my name is being called. "You're Late Miss Y/l/n. Take a seat and don't ever disrupt my class again." Miss Frump says dismissively.

I frown and look at my watch. "I'm thirty seconds late." I protest and she finally looks up at me. "Yes. Thirty second that could've been valuable. I could have chopped someone's head off with a Guillotine in thirty seconds. I could've-"

She keeps talking and I look at her in disbelief as a boy walks in behind me and sits down, no repercussions whatsoever. He even begins talking to his friends.

"I could've explained the holocaust in thirty seconds. I could've-" I groan loudly and resist pulling my own hair out. I didn't think she'd be this mad. "Okay! I get it! You can do a lot in thirty seconds! Except shut up." I whisper the last part to myself.

"Do not raise your voice at me, darling." She says, with fake sincerity and I shiver. "Now sit down." I look for Xavier and spot him in the corner, laughing at me.

"Not there." I hear Miss Frump say as she pulls out a chair in front, next to a boy I don't even know. "Here."

I stare at her and am contemplating walking out. I take a step backwards, only to hit something firm. That something firm being a whole lot of woman.

"Oh- sorry Principal Weems." I say quickly as I look up at her.

This is so fucking embarrassing. I'm standing between the two women like a damsel in distress, unable to decide wether to sit down or leave.

"You weren't about to walk out of class were you, Miss y/l/n?" She narrows her eyes at me and I take a step away from her. "I wouldve expected better." She says in a playful tone.

I sigh and turn around. "Take your seat. Now." Miss Frump says and not wanting to draw anymore attention to myself, I take the seat in the front of the class, my face red.

"Hi im-" The boy next to me extends a hand and i move to take it but another hand pushes his away from me. "Nobody important. Move. I'd like to sit here." Principal Weems says coldly, still holding that clipboard.

The guy looks up at Principal Weems with puppy eyes and practically jumps out of his seat and offers it to her.

She sits down next to me and I frown. She's either monitoring me, or she just really likes sitting at the front of the class, even though her height blocks half the board from the people at the back.

"Let's get on with it, shall we?"

Wordcount: 1241.

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