"You're a mess, Darling." (Nsfw)

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I shiver as we walk further into the woods. "Principal Weems? Where are we going?" I ask, having to jog after her to keep up.

She finally stops behind a tree and I stare at her. "This is how every girl dies in horror movies." I say, and I don't like the smile that she gives me after I do.

I move closer, curiosity burning through me. Once I'm in grabbing range, her hand is clasped around my throat. My back meets the tree, hard and I groan.

"I have three questions. You're going to answer every one truthfully and if you don't, there will be consequences." I nod rapidly and she moves closer, the distance between us almost non existent.

"Where did you go when I was on the phone?" She releases enough pressure on my neck to let me talk. "To play darts!"

She nods thoughtfully, her grip tightening once more. "And did you so happen to run into Miss Frump?" I hesitate, but nod slowly. "Yes...I did, Principal Weems."

Her smile tightens and I brace myself for when she tightens her grip again. This time around, I can't breathe at all.

"And was it, so help me god, her who won you that bear?" I shake my head, knowing I'm lying. I wouldn't have hit another balloon with my luck.

"Tut tut. Lying little slut." I blush at her words, panic rising in my face as I feel her hand hurriedly slip under my skirt and tights and into my underwear.

She enters 4 fingers in me all at once, and I cry out at the pain. "Take it, darling. Be my little slut." She breathes heavily in my ear and I slump against her.

"Shit..." I whimper, unsure if I can really take it. And still, I dig my nails in her shoulders and allow my head to fall back.

The pain turns into pleasure and I'm overwhelmed by the feeling. "Principal Weems- I-" She places a hand over my mouth as she curls all fingers, her middle finger hitting a spot inside me that makes me shed a tear from the intense pleasure.

"Do you like that, hm?" I nod rapidly and she mimics me. "Oh yeah, you do? You like when I finger you so hard you're crying?" She mocks and it only makes the need for a release rise faster in my stomach.

She hits that exact same spot over and over again and I screw my eyes shut. "God- Headmistress please!" I scream from behind her hand.

I almost sob as she slows her pace and removes her hand from my mouth. "No- Ill be good, I'll be a good girl, please!" She chuckles and to my regret, she pulls her fingers out of me slowly. We stare at eachother.

She brings her fingers that are covered in my essence to her face and licks each finger slowly. "Sorry darling, but bad girls don't get rewards." My breathing is still erratic as she sticks a hand up her own skirt.

She grasps my face in her hand and I stare back at her, breathing heavily. Her fingers come up to my face and I can see they're covered in her juices.

I whimper as I feel my underwear dampen once more. She waves her fingers in my face and I stare at them, puppy eyed.

She places them into her own mouth and I almost sob at the loss. She smirks and moves closer, her face infront of mine.

Her hand is still holding my face and she forces my mouth open. My tongue instinctively shoots out and she leans forward, swiping her tongue against mine.

"Fuck." I moan as I can taste myself and her on her own tongue. She places a small kiss on my cheek, chuckling when I lean forward in attempt to deepen it.

"You're a mess, Darling. Clean yourself up and I'll meet you on the bus."

She walks away and I stare at her stunned. I fix myself up and walk back towards the festival, my thoughts racing.


Larissa heads straight to her office once the festival is over and places the bear on her desk, taking her coat off and throwing it on a chair.

She sighs and sits down, staring at the bear. She presses the hand and smiles lightly as it yells another "I love you!"

The door opens and Larissa doesn't need to look up to know who it is. She continues staring at the bear, smiling to herself as she presses the button over and over again.

"Is hell freezing over or are you smiling?" Morticia asks and Larissa groans. Of course she would have to ruin this moment for Larissa.

Larissa doesn't say anything and just keeps on pressing the button. Morticia realises she recognises the bear and her teeth grind against each other.

"What's wrong, Miss Frump?" Larissa asks, looking up at Morticia with an innocence she doesn't possess. Larissa bats her eyelashes and Morticia doesn't know wether to yell or bite her lip.

Larissa thinks the world is gonna end when Morticia leaves without another word. Not another comment, snarky remark or joke. She's out the door and she slams it behind her.

"Well that'll only happen once." Larissa says to herself, savouring this moment as she presses the button again, and again, and again, and again...

Wordcount: 902.

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