the weekend

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Larissa jumps as Morticia pushes open her door and walks in unannounced as always. "How many times do I have to tell you to knock?" Larissa sighs and gestures for her to close the door.

"What?" Morticia asks, her mind clearly somewhere else. She closes the door and sits down infront of Larissa.

Morticia stares off in to space, muttering to herself. "Miss Frump? Are you okay?" Larissa asks, concerned. Morticia doesn't seem to notice that Larissa is staring at her.

Larissa waves her hand infront of Morticias face and only then does Morticia come back to reality. "Hm? Did you say something?" Morticia asks stupidly.

"I asked if you were okay." Morticia nods stiffly and Larissa's stomach drops as she finds the corner of Morticias lips covered in that familiar crimson color.

Larissa grows to her full height and Morticia watches in awe. Sometimes she really did forget how tall this woman was. "What the hell did you do?" Larissa grips the desk, readying herself for what she might hear.

"Huh?" Morticia looks up at Larissa, confused. "I told you to just hold out another two weeks!" Larissa growls and Morticias head lowers. She realises she must've not checked her mouth before she left her dorm.

"I- I didn't do anything Larissa." Morticia was a nuisance, a distraction but the one thing she wasn't, was a liar. "Then why exactly have you got blood on your lips?"

Morticias eyes darken as she rethinks the events.
"I-" Larissa raises an eyebrow as she sits back down. "Miss Y/l/n." Is all she says and Larissa freezes.

"You took blood from a student?" Larissa asks, hoping the answer is no. "No- I-" Larissa sighs in relief. "She gave it to me."

Larissas eyes narrow. "She gave it to you?" Morticia smirks at the obvious jealousy in Larissas voice and it's just the confidence boost she needed.

"Yeah. She was walking around on the rooftop and somehow ended up infront of my window." Morticia almost giggles as Larissa seems to flinch at the emphasis of 'my'.

"And as always, I was being a nuisance and she wanted me to shut up." Larissa looks intrigued now, slightly leaning forward on her desk.

"She sliced her hand right open and offered me a taste. And you know I can't resist when you're not there." Larissa closes her eyes, imagining what the girls blood must have tasted like.

Morticia can see the wheels of fantasy turning in Larissas head and decides to push her further. "My god Larissa if you could've tasted her."

Larissa hums, almost begging Morticia to keep going. "So sweet..." Morticia is in a world of her own by now. "so sinfully delicious."

They're both practically panting at this point. "Nothing compares to the taste of a freshly showered virgin." Morticia says, remember how the girls wet hair looked as it trailed down her back.

Larissas eyes open slowly and she stares at Morticia. "Stay away from her." Morticias eyes open and she looks at Larissa in amusement.

"And why would I do that, when she has so willingly offered herself to me?" Morticia smirks, and the sight infuriates Larissa.

"Because I am your boss and I'm telling you to stay away from her, unless you want to be out of a job." Morticia scoffs and leans forward on Larissas desk.

Morticia doesn't miss the way Larissas eyes travel down to her exposed cleavage. "You couldn't fire me if you wanted to." Larissa raises an eyebrow and folds her arms.

"And why is that, Miss Frump?" Larissa watches as Morticia stands and walks around the desk, sitting on her lap. "Because you and I both know that you love me." Morticia smiles cheekily.

"I don't." Larissa lies and Morticia scoffs. She leans down, grazing her teeth along Larissas pulse line. "Is that so?" Morticia places a tender kiss on her sweet spot and Larissa whimpers.

"What're you doing Miss Frump?" Larissas eyebrows are knitted together in concentration as she tries not to moan. "I want you, Larissa. And I know you want me too."

Larissa doesn't respond and instead places her hands at Morticias hips. Larissas head falls back as Morticia licks her way up her pulse line and to her ear.

"Oh morticia."


The next two days are thankfully the weekend and I plan to sit in my dorm and do absolutely nothing. No studying, no reading, no interacting, just me myself and my bed.

That was of course, interrupted by a certain Vampire. "Hi hey hello, get up now." She hurriedly wakes me from my 10 hour sleep. "Die." I groan as she pulls off my blanket. "Die twice."

"I'll work on that, but for now you're getting up." She quite literally pushes me off my bed and I land with a thump on the floor.

"The floor is coldddd." I whine as I lay my head on the floor. Not even two seconds later and im almost asleep. I hope she doesn't notice but obviously, she does.

"Get up!" She yells and i groan, rolling onto my back. She pulls me off of the floor and sits me on the bed. I now realise she's wearing going out clothes. Her whole outfit is practically made up of leather and I nod in approval as she gives me a spin.

"You look good. Now can I go back to bed?" I try lying back down but she pulls me back up again. "No." She looks me over with a frown.

"What the hell happened to you?" I frown back up at her. "You look like you just had a fight. And you lost." I smile sarcastically. "Yeah I had a fight with him right there." I point behind her at nothing and she turns.

"Oh damn you just missed him."

She rolls her eyes and starts touching my hair. "You don't look like someone who's just dethroned the schools queen."

"What?" I ask, rubbing my hands over my face and swatting her hands away from my hair. "Yeah, you're the total buzz around school. And also Bianca wants a round two."

I roll my eyes. "Where are you going anyway?" Yoko smiles excitedly. "We are going into town." I shake my head. "I want to sleep."

"Y/n, you've been in this bed for 10 hours." I scoff. "I could've been in it for 11 had you not barged in." I stand up and go into the bathroom, leaving the door open for her to follow me.

I groan once I look in the mirror. I look like shit. "You weren't joking." Yoko smirks and places her hands on my shoulder. "Give me an hour, and you'll look like yourself again."


Not even an hour later and she's done my makeup, hair and is looking through my closet. "I look like a hooker." Yoko laughs.

She walks back into the bathroom and throws a bunch of clothes at me. "What's this for?"

She looks at me like I'm dumb and closes the bathroom door. "Hurry, we have to leave in 20 minutes."

I step out of the bathroom in the cargos and low cut tshirt she gave me. "Is this really necessary?" I ask as I gesture to the black thong that's visible above my cargos.

I pull the cargos up, only for her to pull them back down. "What're you doing?" I pull them back up and again she pulls them down.

"I'm not going out with my thong showing if someone else isn't." I know she won't let this go so I sigh.

"Hurry, we have to meet Enid and Devina in 5 minutes." She grabs my hand and pulls me downstairs and I'm actually a bit excited.

Wordcount: 1293.

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