Chapter 22: I am dead as a dinosaur

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Chapter quote:

"There are some dark things in this universe that we dont see coming but they are here and they catch us someday"

Haya POV

My head hurts, Oh god I think I have a cracked skull, my head pounded like there are bricks falling on my head my vision is so blurry, I just shut my eyes and I try to calm my breathing, when I opened them again I saw my death in front of me and I know for sure that I wont get to live another moment cux I saw Alex dad aiming a gun at me and said "Smile" in that evil way that made me scared, I just looked at him confused too scared to speak, I heard a camera click, huh what the hell is this some kind of joke? why am I not dead already?

He lowered his gun and walked towards the chair I am tied too, now that I realize that these ropes were cutting in my skin, they were so tightly secured that I couldnt even move my hands or legs an inch, he came close and said in a menacing tone "Sweetheart do you know why you are still breathing?"

I just shook my head still not trusting myself enough to speak for the fear that I might start crying and I wanted to be strong in the face of death, so much for being strong huh cux I already felt my eyes getting wet.

"Because I wanted to take a picture to send to your parents so they might know that I will kill their daughter if they contacted the FBI, am gonna invite them here and then am gonna kill them too"

My heart just thudded against my chest, no no please not my parents, I dont know where I got the courage but I said with a calm voice "I am afraid your plan will fail, you see my parents are highly trained agents, secondly they are not stupid enough to walk in a trap without backup and thirdly if you hurt me your son will never forgive you, the reason he was protecting me is he loves me and if you kill me you will face his wrath, I know for a fact he already hates you", I was bluffing about every single thing I said and I guess he knew too cux he just laughed and said in an amused voice

"Is that what he said to you to get into your bed stupid girl, my son doesnt do the love thing and by the time your blood will dry he would be fucking some other girl"

I just narrowed my eyes at him and said in a brave voice"Do your worst but you will pay for your every crime", inside my world was shattering Alex would move on eventually he is right he wouldnt come rescue me cux I am sure I am already dead as a dinosaur.

He just smirked and said loudly"Boys", two man enter the room, and my insides felt like someone poured a cold ice bucket in my  stomach, they were the same men who followed us to the bus, "Kill her but first you can have some fun with her make sure her every breath from now on is full of pain", then he left the room.

As I looked at these two man who were eyeing me with pure evil, I knew that my death is going to be long and painful and my facade of being strong crumbled and tears start running down my face as they were coming towards me my only thought were of Alex, ' where are you Alex, you promised me you will protect me  please save me', but in my heart I knew I just wanted to see him one last time before I die.

{A/N: no update in a long time i know i know please forgive me and yeah Its not the last chapter, there is still more to the story then I anticipated.
I want to thank all my readers out there for their support I kinda lost faith in this story after some people criticized my work and thus the late update am so sorry about that and i will try to update soon.

Happy reads 
Mahuangelfreak <3

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