Chapter 19: crazy life

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Chapter quote:
"Sometimes you are born crazy, or sometimes life makes you crazy"


To Realize that your worst nightmares are coming true is something that puts everything in your life upside down, Right now my life is upside down, I cant run away from the reality, I have been stuck in this farm house for two whole days, Alex is MIA since he dropped me off here and then he came back last night didn't said a word to me shut himself in his room and then jack went in his room, I heard some pretty intense word exchange, then jack came out looking exhausted. I went to him to know what was going on plus I was desperate for human interaction don't judge me I have been going out of my mind these past two days because I don't know what the hell is going in between them.

"Jack, will you please be a dear and tell me what are you guys planning for me, you cant make me stay here and what the hell is wrong with him?"

"GOD! you can leave right now but where will you go? Do have any idea what a havoc you are creating for him and let me tell you miss haya you are a time bomb waiting to explode", Jack lashed out on me and personally I was hurt what did I do? I have been staying here for two days surviving on caned food,  am the one in danger he is portraying me as a villain.

"What the hell are you talking about? we are safe here and beside that where was you two these past two days?"

"I cant tell you, its not my place haya, am sorry I lashed out on you but Alex is my best friend and right now he is in pain", Jack said sadly.

"I don't understand", Jack is making everything complicated instead of getting answers am confused more than ever.

"Talk to him", with that said jack left.

I went to his room and knocked softly, no answer came so I pushed the door opened I am getting answers right now, there wasn't anyone in the room so he must in the bathroom I sit on the bed waiting for him.

"Ahem ahem"

I looked back and the sight before me make me run out of the room, he was standing in his boxers all shirtless and pant less now my heart is hammering like crazy from running or seeing him like that I don't know, I ran until I was outside in the garden in front of the beds of roses, I sit there and I heard him behind me he was laughing then he came and sit beside me, and said,

"Why did you run  like some dog was after you?", he said chuckling.

"Haven't you ever heard of getting dressed before you came in front of a lady?"

"I am dressed now"

"Thanks the lord for that", I said smiling, I could see that he was putting a facade of being fine when his eyes were telling another story.

"Well in my defense, I just came out of the shower and I didn't know you were gonna be in my room so"

"What is going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me Alex, I have been alone here for two days because I promised you that I would now its time for you to give me some answers"

"Okay what I am about to tell you, might change your opinion of me", he said sadly, seriously if he thinks he would tell me something that would make me believe he is a saint then he might as well save his breath.

"I will take my chances"

"I know who wants you dead"

"You know? then what are we waiting for lets go to the police and we will tell them", he looked at me with pity and laughed without humour.

"If you think police will arrest a senator cux we said so, you are mistaken haya"

"A senator, what do you mean?"

"The man who wants you and your family dead is Senator Alfred Russell, my FATHER"

It was like he slapped me, So all that time I believed, my parents believed that I was away from the danger when I was sitting in its lap.

"I don't understand, my dad was working on Russian mafia, your dad is a freaking senator"

"Yeah, my dad is their secret operative, he works for them in return they provide money for dad campaign", He said matter of factly like he is telling me that sky is blue, where did that leave us I mean his dad wants me dad and his son is protecting me, maybe he isn't the devil I thought he was.

"How long have you known that your dad wanted me dead?"

"A few days"

"Where were you for the past two days?", I asked, I was getting all my answers right now then I will think what I should do, run or stay here with him.

"I tried to talk to dad to let you go, but he is dead set on killing your whole family, your dad and mom has turned the drive to the American government as soon as they are done encrypting the data on the USB, my dad is a goner he is going to leave the country but first he has to finish his last mission which is killing u or else Russian mafia wont protect him and me from the American government", I could see the haunted look in his eyes and pain on his face, I wouldn't have thought in a million years that only man standing between me and my death would be him, he has choose between me and his dad and until now its me, but why me? I could never repay him and if his dads go down his whole life would be ruined, why is he doing this?

"Why are you protecting me Alex?, I asked softly, he smiled a little and looked at me like I was missing something obvious here.

"That's a good question, I don't know why am I protecting you, but I know one thing, I wouldn't wanna live in a world where a girl named haya who annoy me to hell and back doesn't exists"

I didn't know what to say to him, this might be the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me and I know he is waiting for me to answer him but its like my brain is shut down completely and the reboot system is offline, I just sat there like a idiot staring at him dumb struck and then I blurt out something really stupid which I will regret for the rest of my life, actually my crazy life which might be as short as a peanut because am not making him choose between me and his dad.

"I need to pee"

And then got up and ran to my room like I was on fire.


(A/N: I know my updates are super late and am so sorry guys.........
I hope you all enjoy this chapter)

With love

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