Chapter 10: Secrets & Lies

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Chapter Quote:

"Lies and secrets are like cancer in the soul.They eat away what is Good and only leave destruction BEHIND."

Haya POV

Life is never easy thats the lesson my mother taught me since I was old enough to understand the complicated aspects of life. My parents gifted me a cat on my 10th birthday, she was a Persian cat, fur like snow and the bluest eyes like sky thats why I named her sky and to be honest I wasn't that creative back then so I named her after the thing that came to my mind after holding her in my arms for the first time and looking into the gorgeous blue eyes.After 3 months one day I got back from school I start shouting her name, I always cuddle miss sky and give sky her favourite treat, some milk after I came home from school but that day she didnt appeared when I shouted, My mom took my hand and drag me to our back garden there were tears in her eyes and I kept asking her

"Mommy why are you crying? where is Sky?

But instead of answering me she took me to the roses bed in our garden and beside it there was a freshly made small Grave, she picked me up and cried on my shoulder and told me how sorry she was and that Sky came under the neighbours car and died on the spot and there was nothing she could do to save her.

That day I learned a valuable lesson that death is ultimate. That night I cried my self to sleep and swear to myself that I wont ever love anything ever again so that I couldn't be hurt as I grew up I never got attached to any one even in school I made lots of friends but I never got attached to any friends so it wasn't hard moving here except leaving my country and parents but even they were rarely home when I was 15 they were called in Afghanistan to track down a assassin and it take a year for them to find him they missed a whole year of my life and when they got back I already celebrated my 16th birthday just me and nana and a small cupcake as the birthday cake but I still love them because they were my parents but right now am really hating my dad for sending me here of all the places in the world he has to send me to this city where this arrogant ass lives, he kidnapped me from school and now forcing me to share the history of my life with him who does he think he is?

I have no clue where are we going but its out of city life that's for sure and I was thinking to run off as fast as I can when he stop the car and let me out but now am not so sure I dont know the roads here and now we are driving up a cliff or hill I don't know my knowledge of mountains or cliffs are 0 so there are woods on both side of the road with the sound of ocean water so I guess we are headed towards the ocean and now I am scared that even if I ran I wont be able to find my way back which sucks because he is killing me just by sitting there and having that god damn smirk on his face like he is on the top of the world or something.

He start the radio and a rock song started blasting from the speaker Ughh! Great now he wants me to go deaf so I press the stop button.

"What is your problem? Now you have something against music?", That asshole asked me in a amused tone like am being funny huh I think he is finding my helpless situation funny.

"Screw you", thats all I said back to him and then I turned my face so I wont have to look at this jerk face.

"Oh, I know you wanna do that but am not really interested in you that way", He said in a bored tone.

Seriously is this guy for real" Go fuck yourself Alex", I said to him in a really pissed off tone so he gets the message and shut up because he is really annoying me.

I think he got the message cox he didn't said a word the whole drive and have a thinking face on like he has a brain to think AS IF......

We finally reached our destination and it just scared me more because there was no chance in hell that I am going to get out of here it was a beautiful mansion on the top of the hill with high wire fences around it and on the front a beautiful garden but there was no way I could run from here because on the entrance there was a automatic gate which he opens with a remote and then we entered and the fence is contacted to the gate which goes all around the house except the garden which have 1000 miles drop at the edge GO Figure! You could say its a beautiful jail I could feel my heart hammering against my chest and my plam all sweaty.

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