Chapter 17 : Sweet temptations

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Chapter Quote:
“I resented you for inserting yourself so fully into my life, and then one day I realized I couldn't imagine my life without you...”


"That's impossible, how the hell did you know all of that", I asked him, his behaviour wasn't making any sense, yes I was in danger but I am not now, those people cant find me here. Alex just looked panicked and then he just grabbed my hand making me stand up my coffee fell on the ground.

"What the hell man?", he looked scared, thats a expression I don't see on him any day.

Alex said in a quite dead serious scared voice "If you value your life then stand straight and walk towards the back of cafe slowly and normally if you look back or say another word then you are dead haya"

"Okay", I whispered back, he was scaring me too, so I just walked with him and as soon as reached the dumpster area, Alex pulled me behind the dumpster and said "peak carefully, do you see these mans in regular clothes there are four of them and they are talking to the bus driver", so I looked and he was telling the truth.

"Yeah, I see them but who are they?, I asked him he looked funny at me and then shook his head, like he was trying to make up his mind.

"They are the people who came to the party asking for you, I had the instinct that you were in trouble so I went to your house, your aunt said you ran away and that you were in danger so I start searching for you and then I found you on the bus station", there was more to the story then he was telling me but I decided to trust him for now.

"You see these mans are going in the cafe, once they are inside we will dash towards the woods and then we will hike towards the next town", he said.

"Are you crazy, we will get lost in there and beside we can just call the cops", I said, yup if this is one of his elaborate plans then am gonna make it blow on his face.

"They are the cops haya, just trust me this once please", I don't know what convinced me to believe him maybe the way he looked so scared for me or the reason that I saw total honesty in his eyes.



We waited for them to enter the cafe, they were asking around and I saw people nodding and then they entered the cafe and we dashed towards the woods, we start hiking fast me following him we kept looking back and when we got deep in the wood, we stopped to catch our breaths, I looked around as far as I can see and all I see were trees.

"I think we are lost Alex"

"No we are not", Alex said while taking out  his phone from his jeans pocket and then crushing it with a rock he found near the tree, "If we keep walking in east direction we will find a dirt road, trust me I know these woods"

"And how exactly do you know these woods and why the hell did you crushed your phone?", I asked, all of his actions were highly confusing and the more I try to make sense of the situation the more I got confused.

"Seriously you are asking me that? Duh so they cant trace us through my phone genius and I knew these woods cause I have came here hiking with couple of friends few years back"

"I hope you know what you are doing cux If we get lost am killing you first"

We start walking again in the direction of east, I prayed and hoped that we didnt end up lost cux am scared of woods since I was a little kid and admitting to him that am scared of woods would give him another excuse to make fun of me so I shut up and walked behind him.

We were walking for hours now and we are still haven't reach the dirt road, I saw the worry in his face which he was trying to hide, as the night approached my stomach growled with hunger and I was thirsty and I just wanted to bite his head off but I kept quite cux he was my only protection in these dark scary woods.

He stopped walking and sit beside an old pine tree, I sit beside him and asked in a low voice
"We are lost aren't we?", he looked at me with guilt and said "Yeah, am sorry"

"Its fine"

"Is it?", he asked surprised, honestly I didn't had the energy or the heart to tell him I told you so because he already looked so beat and tired and I just wanted to sleep, we could start searching for a way out in the morning.

"Yeah, it is and we should get some rest and sleep"

"You sleep and I will keep watch", I didn't think that he could, he looked more tired then me and honestly if these mans were after me, It was my fault that he is in this mess.

"No, you should get some sleep, I will wake you up and then I will sleep and you can watch out"

"No, I don't think I can sleep"

"Your face is telling another story Alex", Yup his face was showing tiredness and bitterness, I guess he must be thinking how stupid he was to help me, as the moon light hit his face through the branches of the tree, I also see sadness and anger.

"Go to sleep, Haya am not arguing with you on this matter, Please for once just shut up and do as I say.

"Fine suit yourself", I said and lay down on the ground, God he is a jerk and here I was feeling bad for him, tears start pooling in my eyes, I turned away from him so he wouldn't see me cry, I was crying because it was all my fault and my life is so screwed up my parents isn't here to tell me that everything will be fine, I don't even know where they are, as silent sobs racked me I just closed my eyes and tightly and prayed that when I open my eyes this nightmare would be over.

ALex POv

She snapped at me and then lay down, I was feeling guiltier by the minute, It was all my fault that we are lost, I don't why she wasn't complaining but I know she was hungry and thirsty just like me, and I was such a fool to think that I knew the way just because I came here once before damn.

"I am sorry", I said to her, she didn't turned towards me but asked "What for?"

"For getting us in this mess"

"Its not your fault, I told you"

"It is my fault, you don't understand"

"Whatever Alex, I just know one thing that right now am scared and tired and I just wanna go home,
promise me you will take me home", She was crying, God she must be so scared, I wanted to hug her right now and tell her that I will, but I cant make promises that I am sure I cant keep.

"I will try my best, everything will be fine, I will keep you safe"

"Thanks Alex"

"I used to be scared of woods you know"

She sit up and looked at me surprised, I saw her tears streaked face in the moon light, God she is beautiful, how come I didn't realized before, I wanted to kiss her so bad right now, she is a sweet temptations.


"Yeah, but my mom told me that I should over come my fears by facing them head on so she took me to a dark rain forest on vacations and made me spend one night there, we actually camped there and I spent whole night hiding under a blanket praying that no evil bear or snakes or zombies find there way to me"

She laughed, that was the first time, I heard her laughing, "Seriously zombies?"

"In every movie zombies always came out of the forests", I said in my defence smiling.

"So does it helped, spending a night there?"

"Honestly speaking no, but as I grow up, my fears become silly things that I now laugh upon"

"Good for you", she said smiling and that when we heard branches breaking and footsteps of atleast 4 persons.

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