Chapter 6: As If You Care

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{ A/N: hey everyone I just want to thank my readers. I'm so thankful for all your support.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

With love,


P.S: dont forget to vote & comment :) }


Chapter quote:

"Silence is a more deadly weapon then words"

Alex's POV

I couldn't believe what she just said to me.Literally I'm seeing Red. I clinched my teeth. That fucking bitch just walked out like that.Who the fuck  does she think she is? Everyone here is looking at me with disgust on their faces I have never been this humiliated in my entire life.My friend Jacks grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the cafeteria into an empty classroom which was to the side of cafeteria. He shut the door and turned towards me and said,

"What the fuck were you thinking Alex. I know you dont give a shit about girls.You just play with them but this is way out of line man. Are you on drugs or something?", he said with worry evident in his voice, but I was too mad so I punched the wall and my knuckles start bleeding.

"Hey!Stop it !You are gonna break your hand", he grabbed me from behind and made me sit on the chair." Now start talking Alex where did you meet that girl and what the fuck is she talking about?"

"Some best friend you are.Why dont you go ask her?", I said bitterly. I couldn't believe Jack, my best friend since elementary school would believe that bitch."I already told everyone she is crazy and a lying bitch".

"I dont know man.She was pretty convincing. I mean we all know how you play with girls, just tell me the truth and I'll take care of the mess", Jack said looking extremely uncomfortable. Jack always has my back .I got into trouble numerous time and he was my savior everytime.

"I know man.If I didn't know that she was lying I would have believed her too but trust me I dont even know her name I just meet her in the plane" and then I told him the whole story."Jack believe me! Behind that innocent facade is a diva and I'm so gonna kill her".

"Calm down Alex!What are you gonna do? Threaten her? It wont work on her. I bet on it.You have to come up with something else but for now let's ditch school.We will do something fun to blow off some steam.Let's go to the racing track", he said in his assuring voice.

"Yeah let's go racing",I said. Racing always had a good effect on me .While I'm on the track nothing matters other then finishing the race and winning because winning is in my blood. I always win no matter what the hurdles are and Miss Bitch is going to find out that she may have the upper hand right now in this game that she has started but in the end I'll be the one saying checkmate.

"Why are you grinning like a goof Alex? Is it because that girl totally kicked your ass in there or is it you finally realizing that you have finally meet your match?", Jack said teasingly with mischief in his eyes.

"Huh! No one can beat me Jack! Just wait and watch my friend and before you know it she will be confessing everything in front of the whole school.", I said with giddiness in my voice because I just had an idea about how to bring her down.

"I don't know dude.She is different somehow.I'm having a feeling that this time you are going to lose.", Jack said frowning.

"No way man ! Alex Russell never loses and this time it wont be different.Girls are girls.They might act all strong on the outside but they are just insecure and vulnerable in the inside and I'm gonna find out what makes her tick and then I'm gonna crush her like a bug", I said with a winning smirk on my face.

"Sometimes I forget how ruthless you can be Alex.Well let's go.Lunch break is over and I have had enough of school for this day", Jack said nonchalantly and shrugged.


When I got home it was already 7pm.After ditching school we went to the racing track and raced all day around the track and then we went out to eat pizza which is my favorite food.As I entered the house, a silence welcomed me. I got used to it now but I still remember the time when I used to come home late and my mom would always be waiting for me with a scowl on her face but she never scolded me.She would just ask me where I had been and why I was late.She was the only one who ever cared about me .Now I miss those days.I miss her so much.

"Sir, Mr Russell is waiting for you in his study.", my house servant said from behind me making me jump in surprise.

"Don't sneak up on me like that James and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Alex", I said with a frown on my face. James has been our house servant for a long time now .dad gave him the job to take care of the house and me. James is extremely loyal to my father for some reason which I am still unable to find out.

"Sir, he has been waiting for you for a few hours.I suggest you go straight to him.He is not in a good mood.",James said in a polite voice like he was telling me that my guest was waiting for me. I rolled my eyes at him"When is he in a good mood? Like never ! One of these days I'm gonna find out why you put up with his shit.", I said chuckling as I made my way towards the study. My house is a huge mansion but it's empty and quite like a graveyard.Nobody has heard a laugh in this house for a long time. I knocked at the door of the study.

"Come in", I heard my father saying.

"You asked for me", I said in my most bored tone.

"I don't have time to put up with your nuicense Alex, care to explain to me who is the whore you have brought with you?I'm having calls from most of the school board members about your newly romantic episode.", My dad said in seething voice.Oh well!When did he ever talk to me normally.

"I don't know her dad.She's just a crazy girl mad at me for posting some stupid picture of her on fb.I'll take care of her and for the record she isn't a whore, & she means nothing to me ", I said in a hard tone and turned to leave the room.

"Then why are you defending her?", my dad said from behind.

"None of your business dad and it's not like you care", I said glaring at him .Then I shut the door of the study room and went to my room which was upstairs .As I lay in my bed I thought to myself, 'Why did I defended her?Maybe I'm not a lost case like my father.Maybe somewhere in me there is a soul and just maybe someday I'll find happiness again' and then my concious said,

"Yeah buddy! Like that's ever gonna happen.The path that your father is following will have to be followed by you too someday.You are just gonna be as cold hearted as him."

These were my last thought as I drifted to sleep.


( A\N: I know! I know what you all must be thinking!Another note.But I just wanted to ask you guys what do you think Alex is going to do and where is Alex's mom? And Haya's cousin Daniyal will be making the entry in the next chapter so is he a good guy or bad guy?

Comment and vote people :) )

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