Chapter 9: Ruthless

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Chapter Quote:
"This is a Ruthless
world & one must be Ruthless to cope with it"


I fell asleep after my argument with dad when I woke up it was three o'clock in the morning I tried to sleep but I couldn't my mind going back to her why did I defended her what is about her that makes me so angry when my dad called her a whore.I decided to do some digging on her I picked my cell up and called Fredrick he is world first class hacker and he works for dad and therefore for me when I want dirt on someone he is the man I call and he is kinda my friend too he is same age as me but he got into some bad shit and got himself kicked out of school so now he home schooled himself he got an IQ of 150 so practically he doesn't even need school he makes money in millions per month.After the fourth ring he picked up

"Alex, what the hell? Its 3 am in the morning you better have a good reason for waking me up", He grumbled in the phone.

"Lol! dude didn't you once said that you were the king of the night and if it up to you, you would never sleep and party all night?"

"Yeah! I said that but in my defence I was drunk anyways why did you call ?

"I need information on a girl"

"You are an asshole! you woke me up so you could get information on some girl so you could get in bed with her how many times do I have to do that for you dude, couldnt you wait till morning?"

"Dude getting in her bed is the last thing I want, I want dirt on her so I could get back at her trust me she is no angel she is a diva and a... ughh don't get me started", I said gritting my teeth.

"Hahahahaha! so finally there is a chick out there who takes on you, I am impressed if she done enough to make you this mad, she is worth meeting in person so is she is an ex? tell me her name and ill dig up what I can"

"Dude if all the girls in the world died and she is the only girl alive I still wouldn't dream of dating her and no she is not my ex and I don't know her name all I have is a picture of her"

"What? you don't even know her name? wow! I wanna know the whole story"

so I told him how I meet her and all the events of yesterday when I finished he laugh so hard that I have to get  my phone away from my ears or else my ear drums would have burst.

"I cant believe she did that OMG! you finally meet your match, Alex send me the picture and ill get back at you", he said then he hung up.

So I sended him her drool face picture which is the reason this whole fight started.

After 30 minutes Fredrick called back and what he told me left me confused, apparently there is no record of her even existing in this world even the school student file is blank and there is no security number, nationality number nothing its like she is a ghost.Fredrick said who ever she is we cant find because even if there is information out there about her she is the only person who can give it and the only thing he able to find out is that she has a FB account her name is HAYA IBRAHIEM and she has only one friend added in that account and that's Jane Mason the school ex slut so I planned to get to know her the old fashioned way, there is only one circumstances when people talk truthfully and its when they are scared shit.

and my planned led me to this moment......

I could see the fear in her eyes her face is poker but her eyes betray her am totally enjoying my self right now.

I know my words wanna make her runs for hills but I got her all locked up inside of my car with me that fucking bitch is so in trouble today and my plan was working perfectly until she passed out on me I wasn't expecting that I thought she was a Strong person I guess I misjudged her she is a fragile girl after-all, which makes my revenge all much more easier and enjoyable and thanks to the new nurse Miss Melissa for believing my story about how I got lost going to my class and  my accidentally stumbling upon her unconscious body the old nurse would have never believed me I guess the new doesn't knew about my reputation yet so I took Haya to my car bridle style , Mission accomplished but not quit yet.

I start the engine of my jaguar.I absolutely love my car it was the only good thing I got on my 17 birthday as dad was busy in his campaign and couldn't get to my birthday dinner party he gifted this car to me.

"Where the hell are you taking me Alex?", Haya asked with so much hatred in her voice am surprised she is not dripping venom instead of words.

"If you answer my question maybe ill tell you", I said matter of factly.

"What the hell would you wanna know?",she said in a high voice.

"Good if she is getting worked up that means she will break sooner or later", my subconscious praised me. I smirked at her.

"So cry baby who are you? Where did you come from and most importantly why you don't exists in any data of any country?", I asked hoping she would clear the mystery that surrounds her.

Upon hearing my question I could almost see the pained look on her face but she quickly recovered and said hotly,

"If you think am gonna answer your any questions you are sadly mistaken now stop the car and leme go and for the love of God STOP calling me a cry baby or else I will kill you" her whole face got red with anger and that just makes me laugh because she looks so adorable all so worked up, Her scarf on her head become loosed and tendrils of her hair escaped, Her hairs colour of copper brown so beautiful.

"what the fuck are you thinking?, Focus Alex",my subconscious  scolded me and I shook my head.
Yeah! I should focus on getting the answer.

"Wrong answer cry baby, congratulations you just bought the whole day of torture that means spending the whole day with me and ill get my answer you will tell me one way or another", I said grinning mischievously at her. I always liked challenges and mystery and now its time to find out her secrets.

"If you think you can make me then you are such a fool Alex am not afraid or intimidate by you,
You worthless piece of crap", She said with over confidence.

"Says the girl who passed out on me just threatening her keep talking but you arent fooling me HAYA", I said and I could see the feeling of uncertainty in her facade which I am gonna break soon.I put my foot hard on accelerator and headed towards the place she will tell me everything.

DUBAI 05:00 Am

A men in a trench coat is quickly walking towards an old truck parked in a garge of a run down old building.He is worried that his boss wont like the news he is about to deliver his hands are shaking so bad because he is affraid for his life.He gets in his truck and start the engine, he cranck up the heater of the car so he could be warm but the chills he feels isnt going away and he knows why his boss is RUTHLESS and does'nt tolerate fools and he is gonna be so mad at him for losing her.He gets out of the garge and head towards his destination maybe his

{A/N: HEY! my lovely readers and I know you all feel confused right now but last para will make sense by the next chapter.

this chapter is unedited so sorry if it sucks and yeah its short I know but its kind of a filler and next chap will be up soon :)

<side picture is of Ryan guzman as Alex, what do you guys think? >

Happy readings dont forget to comment or vote.

With love
Mahuangelfreak <3

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