Chapter 15: Only you

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Chapter Quote:

"If you only knew how much these little moments with you mattered to me <3


As I parked my car in her drive way, I saw miss Sophie sitting on the front steps her head in her hands and from the looks of  her I can bet she is crying so I walked up to her to ask if she was okay and she looked up at me with sadness and anger in her eyes and grabbed my hand and put a piece of paper in my hand and then she stood up and went inside the house. I opened the paper.........

Dear aunt,

Thank you for the hospitality you have given me since the moment I arrive but its time for me to leave because I dont belong here, your son hates me for something I didnt do and I just cant take this anymore, I cant tolerate him and for the record Alex isnt my boyfriend he is a piece of crap who blackmailed me and I hate him. Please dont contact mom and dad, they are already in danger they dont have to worry about me and I will call you when I can, don't try to find me and whatever you do, dont contact the cops it will only make things worse for me and my parents.
Take care,
Love you.

P.S give my car to Danial.

This is bad, where the hell did she go and what about her parents being in danger so many questions swirling around in my head, and there is only one person who can give me some answers so I went inside the house  Sophie was on phone and when she hung up, she just glared at me and said "Leave my house, before I smash your face and tell my son that he isnt welcome in this house anymore".

"I know you are mad at me, believe me I am mad at myself too but right now we need to find haya before she ends up hurt or worse, please Just tell me where did she go?", I begged her, my eyes pleading her to answer me.

She sit on a chair and sighed "I dont know okay, you read the letter"

"Okay we should call the cops, they are good at finding people"

"Didnt you read the letter, you fucking piece of shit we cant call the cops, she isnt suppose to be on the system, Oh God, she is in danger okay and you need to find her in 24 hours because if you dont I will have your head for dinner.", she glared at me and the banged the table in frustration with her hands.

Jesus this woman is crazy "Would you please atleast tell me how the fuck is she in danger and why the fuck she isnt on the system", I shouted at her in frustration and in anger every minute am wasting with her is a minute haya is getting away and god forbidden if something happens to her I dont think she can survive out there even a day, where could she go.

"Dont shout at me, I am already having a headache just thinking what I will tell my poor sister that I couldnt take care of her daughter"

"Get to the point"

"Fine, her parents are secret government agents and the USA government hired them to go undercover to find evidence against a Russian mafia group who's operatives are working in USA government, basically there task was to find the black-sheep among the government but what they found out was much bigger and they risked their life to find more about that but before they escaped there cover was blown and the Russian mafia is after haya to kidnapped her to use her as a leverage to get back the USB that my sister and her husband stole, it contains all the info about their group and about the secret attack they were planning but we knew that as long as the USB is in our hands we are save but if it were to get back in their hands they will kill my sister family, they are out for blood so my sister and her husband sended her here to protect her but if they found her first, she is good as dead.", tears were running down aunt Sophie face, this is so much bigger then I thought and more fucked up then me.

"Okay, dont worry I will find her if this is the last thing I do", After that I drive to Jane house, I am hoping now that I find her there and that she is still in one piece, I went to Jane house and knocked several times on her door and am pretty sure that I just waked up the whole neighbourhood and I have my finger crossed that this is the place I would find her and because its 11:pm and she got to be here and if she is not then am screwed.Jane dad opened the door, rubbing his eyes and I saw Jane standing behind her in her pajamas.

"Who are you son and what are you doing here on this ungodly hour?", Okay someone dad is a bit of a oldtime nut job.

"Sir, I need to talk with your daughter its important and it will only take 5 mins tops", I said and smiled at him big trying to look like a dork, I guess it worked because he left after saying to Jane that she remember to lock the door after we are done talking.

"What the fuck do you want Alex?", she said in a hushed angry tone.

"Where is haya?"

"What do you think sherlock? she is at her house"

"No she isnt"

"What do you mean she isnt?"

"Means that she ran away from her home I was hoping that she would be here with you"

"Fuck! this is all your fault, she was pretty messed up after we left the party, she was crying. where the hell could she go? she doesnt know anybody here"

"Thats the question that am trying to find the answer too"

"I think we should check bus stations or airports"

"Good idea am gonna do that,you contact me if she contacts you or come here okay?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Trying to find her, you are the person am pretty sure she is running from, Why the hell do you care?

"Because I want to undo my mistakes and apologize to her"

"Am I dreaming? or are you being nice for once?", she said with her eyes wide open in shock.

"I am not the devil, you all think I am"

"No you are a pathetic loser, save your breath you are just lying I dont know why you are trying to find her but am sure there is a twisted reason of your behind this"

"whatever am going if she contact you let me know"

She shut the door on my face and I went into the car and I called Fedrick, he picked at up the first ring

"Hey, Bro I was just about to call you got something to tell you"

"It can wait right now hack into the security cameras of every bus station or airports near this area and see if you can find haya"

"Thats what I am trying to tell you, your dad just called and he is also seeking information about this girl and trust me bro who ever she is, she is in trouble and I already located her currently she is buying a ticket on the bus stop near the beach we usually go"

"Got it, and I will talk to dad, dont tell him about her if he ask tell him that you are searching but haven't found her yet"

"You sure bro? is she important to you?"


After that I hung up and called Dad

"Hey dad"

"Alex what is it? I don't have much time what do you want?"

"Do I have to want something to call my dad?"

"Dont waste my time Alex, get to the point"

"Fine I was just on the phone with Fredrick and he said that you are searching for a girl and I might know her"

"Dont play games with me Alex, If you know something then tell me because this girl is very important to me so dont fuck with me"

"She goes to my school"

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure, what do want with her anyway?"

"Remember the file I showed you?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"She is the daughter of those agents and we need her as leverage cux if they give the information they have to the government then its death for us so tell me whats her name and where she lives?"

"I dont know dad, never talked to her but I will try to find and get back to you, gtg bye."

I hung up quickly, It feels like the whole world is crashing down on me so my dad is the danger her aunt spoke off I know my dad is secretly a Russian agent but I never thought that such a day would come when I have to save someone from my own dad, I quickly called back Fredrick and told him everything he promised that he will stall my dad as long as possible and said I need to get her out of the country as soon as possible.

When I reached the bus station haya wasnt in sight and there was only one bus standing so I quickly got a ticket for that bus its final destination was Florida so I bought two tickets and got on the bus, there she was on the back seat looking out of the window wearing a red scarf how did I miss before how cute she looked wearing that scarf around her head and she was silently crying. I sit beside her  and said

"Hey, are you okay?" 

"What the hell are you doing here", God her nose was red from all the crying like tomato and she looked downright miserable I flinched inward because I was the reason and strangely I wanted to cry with her and thats just stupid what the hell is wrong with me.

"I am coming with you"

"Why", she asked confused and frustratingly

"Because its ONLY ME & ONLY YOU"


{A/N: So guys what do you think?

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