Chapter 1 : Goodbyes

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"Ughhh! My life seriously sucks.I must have done something bad to deserve this!", I thought to myself as tears were running down my cheeks.

I wiped them with the back of my hand and looked around my usually beautiful room. It looked like a trash can as if a tornado had passed. All my clothes were everywhere and my things were in cardboxes I couldn't believe that I was moving so far away from my beloved home.

Life as I know it is about to end. More tears run down my cheeks. As sobs shocked my body, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.I turned around to find my mother standing behind me, her green beautiful eyes were now puffy and red with all the crying.

I cringe on the inside. I had to be strong for my parents.I couldn't see my mother in so much pain so I wiped away her tears and said,

"Mom! Don't worry I'll be fine.I'll be back before you know it and it's not like you can get rid of me so soon.Come on!Smile please! you have such a beautiful smile. That's why dad calls you his buttercup."

Upon hearing this,my mom gave me a watery smile and hugged me.

"Oh Haya! What am I gonna do without you? You are my baby girl, my sunshine.It's breaking my heart to send you so far away but it is best for you to leave the country.",my mom said.

"Yea mom! I know! Is my ticket confirmed?"

"Yes! you will be leaving for airport in 4 hours."

My stomach started to ache.I never liked plane rides and this time I'll be travelling alone.

"Oh Allah(God)Please help me.Give me strength." , I silently prayed

My mother hugged me again and said,"Honey I would never send you so far away but you know your father and I don't have any other choice.We wont be able to live with ourselves if something happened to you because of us. We love you and it hurts us to send you to America but honey you i'll be safe there and you i'll be living with my sister.Dont worry! she will take good care of you I promise."

I looked at my mother and thought how awful she must be feeling right now.Because of her's and dad's jobs they have to send me away. Ah my parents were filthy rich as they both worked for government undercover for important top classified missions.I always thought it was so cool to have such badass parents but it's a disaster when your father's cover is blown and now Russian mafia is out for his only daughter's blood.

"Oh mom but I don't want to go there without you two.", I whinned like a little kid. But I knew it was useless to cry and be sad because once my father sets his mind to something he does it and when it comes to me he would do anything to keep me safe.

So now he is sending his only daughter from Dubai to all the way to America.

"Honey! As soon as this mess is cleared and we knew for certain that its safe for you here then we ill come and get you but for now you have to hide.",my mom regretfully said and with that she left.

My aunts lives in Malibu, California I only visited her only one time when I was twelve years old and at that time I thought that my aunt was some crackpot and her son was a devil in disguise.The pranks he used to play on me, oh boy! I dreaded the day that i'll have to meet him again and that day is just 48 hours away.Ughhh!

I finished my packing in an hour and then i went downstairs to say good bye to all my family.

As I reach the kitchen, the smell of rosted chicken hit my nose.

"Oh Gosh!", I thought."How am I going to survive without nana?"

Nana was my babysitter and my personal cook too.I love nana like she is my mother and it will be hard without nana but I am seventeen now so it's time to grow up and accept the fact that I am not a daddy's little girl.

I sighed bitterly and entered the kitchen .Nana engulfed me in a bear hug and said,"I'm going to miss you princess."

I felt my eyes getting teary again but I told myself,'Suck it up Haya! You are not Nana's little girl anymore.'

I hugged her back and looked at the old wrinkled lady who is like a second mother to me and said,"Nana I'm gona miss you so much that i will probably call you everyday and I'm gonna bite your head off with my nonstop nuisance talk."

A smile tugged at Nana's lips as she heard me blabbing.

"Ah my princess! Who is going to come from school and hug me everyday who am I going to take care of now?"

"Nana! Don't worry I'm sure you will be fine.Samina will be having her baby next month and you are going leave to take care of your daughter and her newborn so consider this as an opportunity to spend some time with her now that you can stay with her as long as you want."

"Oh my princess! No one can take your place.Now enough tears.Let's eat.I made you your favourite mandi."( its a middle eastern dish with rice roasted chicken tomato sauce and salad )


We are all standing at the entrance of Emirates International Airport.My father who is usually strict and calm looks like a wreck.He hugs me hard and looks into my eyes and says,"Be a good girl Haya! Don't make this hard on yourself.I will do anything to protect my little girl.Don't worry it will be over soon and we will be a family again."

Then my mother hugs me and says, "Haya be a good girl and while you are there please keep in mind no matter what we love you.We might not be able to keep in touch but honey just know this that you are never out of my mind and heart."

I hold back my tears and hug her back,"Mom dont worry I'll be fine.I love you both so much and I will not let you down by doing anything stupid,I promise."

"That's my good girl.",my mom said while messing my hair up.

"Mom don't do that.People here at the airport will think I'm some retard or something."

My nana found this extremely funny.She came to see me off too.She laughed so loud that the couple standing near us gave us a weird look.

She hugged me and said,"Be good princess and don't forget to call your nana."Then she came closer and whispered, "Don't fall for a hot boy but if you do then tell me everything.Ok!",she backed up and gave me a wink and I turned tomato red.

My mom watched with sad eyes and asked me what Nana said but I assured her that nana was just being silly and then it was time to go so I pushed my trolley inside the airport gate and looked back at my crying parents and sad nana.I waved them a last godbye.

(A\N: I just want to thanks SouthbySouthEast for the amazing book cover.

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