Chapter Five

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"No, what an imagination you have. You need to calm down, slow down your breathing," he placed a hand on her overworked chest, feeling her racing pulse rate. She gasped, trying to scramble back, slipping from him, weakly pushing at his arm.

Instead, he hauled her hard against him, placing a raised knee behind her back, and cradling her face against his shoulder. "I will not hurt you," he soothed. "I didn't bring you here to do that," with his free hand he rubbed her back. "Deep, long breaths. You will not be staying here. I am taking you under my protection. No one will get near you." She clasped his arm, relaxing against him, calming, her breathing easing.

"Good girl, now put your arm around my neck." That she did. Tucking his arm under her legs, he eased to his feet, taking her with him. She felt so light and curled against him, face buried in his chest, her flora scent wrapping around him.

He breathed in deeply, bringing back sharp memories of them on the dance floor and how she felt in his arms, shaking off the mists of the night. Not going down that rabbit hole. Once the wedding was done, his brother married, and she'll be shipped back home, as she wanted back to her Gran, untouched as she arrived.

If he had indeed threatened to slit her throat, there will be hell to pay. Anger stirred through him like a red mist, gripping his belly tightly and refusing to let go as he walked through the palace into his private wing, and headed towards a guest room.

She will have the freedom of his wing, where she can enjoy the gardens, pool and library if she decided to. Keeping her close would be better for them both. He could work from his private office, not the palace one.

There was still much to organise before the wedding.

Keeping Ronnie Jacobson out of the picture wasn't supposed to be this difficult. Entered the suite, and went through to the main living area, where he placed her onto a sofa and she seemed reluctant to release him. Her arm tightened around his neck, then abruptly released, as if she realised what she was doing.

"Stay there, while I get a first-aid box," he straightened, frowning, his voice sounding husky, stepping back, squashing down stirrings he didn't want to even think about.

Maybe this is what she did.

Damn it all. He strode off into the bathroom, where he removed what he needed to see to her needs. Distance is called for. There were no claws in this one. She just wormed her way under one's skin. Yet those eyes spoke of something different. He can't fault her love for her grandmother.

It wasn't meant to be like this. Perhaps she will settle here, spend lazy days at the pool, and if she stayed here, not wandering around the palace, should also keep her under wraps. If not, he will just have to find another way to keep a lid on things.

Heading back out with what he needed, Kaden's jaw clenched at the sight of her pretty mouth, damaged in such a way that he hoped there will be no scarring. They had been so soft and alluring, now bruised and battered. Opening the box, remove some antiseptic cream, put it aside, placing a clean cloth on it first. She winced.

"I know, sorry, but I need to make sure it stops bleeding, then clean it, and will sting." Wide eyes watched him, yet nodded in understanding. He eased back the cloth. It had stopped bleeding to clean the mouth and around with water and soap, made it clean as possible, with sharply sucked-in breaths, yet didn't pull away then dabbed on the cream.

Finishing up with an ice pack on her cheek. "You need to place this on every couple of hours, only fifteen minutes at a time. I will have your belongings brought here. When you are up to it, there is a pool and garden to be enjoyed."

Her lack of interest surprised him.

Probably in shock, collecting what he used and rose. "There is a library," her eyes shot up, suddenly glowing as if he had given her the world. "You can have access to it at any time." He offered as her entire face glowed. She even shifted, holding the cold pack, putting her feet on the floor. "I think you need to rest first. Your body has had a shock. You should rest."

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