Chapter One - Part One

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Sheikh Kaden Hassim Ghassan al-Zayd couldn't believe his brother had placed him in this position again. He needed to settle down, and not act like a spoilt, entitled playboy. 

Kaden was sick of cleaning up after his messes.

This was one of his worst, so far.

Masoud was supposed to be getting married, not carrying on with another woman, so here he was on the Gold Coast in Australia, bringing to a conclusion this disgraceful affair for good, or at least, until the wedding.

After that, Masoud was on his own and hopefully come to his senses.

The wedding was significantly more important, even if an arrangement.

Emerging of two kingdoms. A wedding established a brighter future. Something his brother had accepted, marrying the princess from the neighbouring country.

One Masoud had known most of his life.

Only to go off the rails by chasing some redheaded Australian who had her claws into Masoud, probably more engrossed by his affluence than him. 

Not while he had breath in his body, she didn't. Hopefully, didn't have a clue who his brother really was. Time to snip those claws and take her out of the equation, setting his brother back on track.

Catastrophe averted.

Skimming his Patek Philippe watch for the umpteenth time, impatiently.

Kaden needed this night over with.

The place was already swelling with women in their ballroom-style gowns, and men in their elegant suits, all masked. An ocean of strangers, champagne flowing freely, which would be to his advantage.

A favourite drink. It will be her undoing.

This woman won't see what hit her.

A prosperous businesswoman. Mingled with the wealthy and influential as an event planner and was excellent at what she did. Also enjoyed having a great time by all reports. A party girl. The Gold Coast was a suitable place for her. She just needed to learn not to impede his household, his country, one who was a thorn in his side.

He wasn't a man to cross.

A desert warrior, through and through.

Unexpectedly, the hairs on the nape of his neck stood on end. Head tilted, eyes dragged towards the entrance, swept past the abundant crowd of couples. It was like time had stopped and all that existed was the one who had walked through the double door opening in a grand entrance.

A picture of exquisite beauty, surrounded by ivory and gold, snatched his breath away from his sudden tight chest, sucking in sharply that burned into his starving lungs.

Nothing had prepared him for this.

Yet he had been the one who had made this happen.

Time to act, removing two glasses of champagne from the table at his side.

Pausing, Ellie's breath hitched at the sight before her. A real ball, full of glamour. The gowns, suited men, and the crystal candle chandeliers hung from high ceilings, surveying the grand ballroom that was like stepping back in time, spreading wide and far like an ocean, filled with couples. 

The largest dance floor she had ever seen.

A live band at the back, music drifting across, swirling around her from the ground up, pulsing through her veins, lifting her spirits high.

Her ball was magical.

A cough behind her broke the spell, releasing a held breath. "Sorry."

Cheeks flushed, Ellie stepped forward and headed off towards the side, searching for a place, where she could absorb the moment, fingers curling around the mother-of-pearl handle of a fan, flicked open and brought up fanning. Only to snap close as a man approached, carrying two crystal-fluted glasses with gold edging.

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