Not anymore

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Hy everybody, this is going to be a vampire knight fanfiction, i hope. I really love this anime and i eas thinking about a story with the characters of it, so thats it. I hope it wont be so bad, please vote, comment and share it if you like, and tell me if you dont! Love: Fanni

Rinas eyes were fixed on a spider, eho was hanging from the ceiling, just above her head. Even if it was 3 am and complete darkness, she could see it in the moonlight. She couldnt sleep, of course, but it was nothing she didnt use to. She was in her bed, next to her in a separate one, Yuki was in deep sleep. ' I wish i could sleep like her!' she thought and turned her head toward the other girl. They were friends. Best friends. Tears started to escape her tyred eyes and fall onto the cold pillow, but she made no noise, as always. Her heart was beating in her chest as if it wanted to brake out, and honestly, she wouldnt mind. She has already spent too much time, wearing this disguise on her, as if everything is all right, while deep inside, she was so broken.

She wasnt sleeping a lot, she couldnt even keep her eyes closed without imagining Zeros beautiful face. ' Zero, he is so close to me, but so far away!' New tears came, the scilente sobbing took over her whole being.

She was lost. She wanted to stand up and run, run as fast as she can and never return back, but she couldnt moove from the pain. ' It hurt so much!' she wanted to say it out loud. she wanted to scream but her dry mouth closed and she started trembling. Pain. That was the only thing she felt, as she was watching the nice Yuki.

Darkness took over her and she found hershelf feeling hate for Yuki, who was her best friend since years.

Yuki had everything Rina wanted. She had a warm home, a nice father who loved her, Kaname, who saved her from everything, and she had Zero. But that was not the worst thing. The worst was that it was not enough for Yuki, she was still not satisfied and throw everything away. Rina hated her for that, she felt rage burning inside her chest. Rina had nothing, but a shit mother and a sister who commited suicide. She didnt have a place to go, she didnt have someone to lean on, she didnt have a real friend. It wasnt Yukis fault, of course and Rine knew it, but still, she couldnt stop hating her.

She was crying for hours, as always and nothing seemd to be easyer, nothings changed and she couldnt felt reliefe from crying.

Her eyelids were heavy and swollen, when the sky started to become grey and she, after 2 years of suffering, had to accept the truth. ' We are not friends!' She said with the sedest voice in the world, as she opened her eyes one last time to see the peaceful girl. ' Not anymore!' With this, her eyes closed and finally fall into a dreamless sleep.

So, thats the first chapter. I hope i could show you her mental state. By!

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