Lost control, broken walls

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One day passed, but Rina was still sleeping in her bad weakly. Cross, Kaname, Yuki and Zero was standind in a circle around her, and watched her worryedly. Her face was white like snow, her lips were almost blue. She looked like a dead body.

'Why is she still sleeping?' asked Yuki.

'She should wake up sooner, dont worry, dear Yuki!' said the headmaster, trying to sound calm, but he was more worryed than averybody else in the room.

'Its not a good sign, Cross. ' said Kaname, and Cross took off his glasses tiredly.

'I know, maybe it has already started.'

'What?' asked Yuki curiously. 'What started?'

'She knows when Acumi died.' Kaname said, ignoring Yukis question. The headmaster looked up, clearly surprised.

'What? If its tru, than she knows that something happened to her memoryes.' Kaname nooded.

'And i would be surprised if she doesnt know that i was the one who take them.' Yukis and Zeros eyes went wide.

'You took her memories, Lord Kaname? Why?'

'Yes, i did, but just to protect her!' Kaname replyed.

'From what?' Yuki asked. 'Whats wrong with her?'

' You too should be in class now. Lets go!' Cross said, before Kaname could say something.

'But..' Yuki started, but Zero pulled her out of the room.

'Come, Yuki!' When they were enough away, Yuki stopped.

' What the hell was this? Dont you care about what happened to Rina yesterday?'

'I care, but they wont tell us. When Rina wakes up, you should ask her!' Yuki lowered her head with sadness in her eyes.

'She is so different now, she is not the same with me anymore. I feel like, sometimes i see....hatered in her eyes, when she looks at me. I dont know what happened, i dont understand.'

'Oh Kaname, i hoped this time wont come!' said Cross and closed his eyes.

' She is not going to give up, until Rinas death, you know it.'

'Kaname!' Cross said. ' How can you say this?'

'Sorry, but thats the truth.' The headmaster sighed.

'What if we should tell her everything?' Kaname shook his head.

'Its not a good idea. It would just brake her heart.'

'Than what to do now?' asked Cross.

'I dont know, let me think about it for a while.'

Rinas dream.

Acumi was sitting in front of Rina and smiled happily. Her arms were bleeding and she was a little pale, but still, she was happy. Rina touched her scars and she could feel the warm, fresh blood.

' Acumi, why did you do this? Doesnt it hurt?' Acumi just smiled.

'No, its not painful. Do you know why i did this? Can you keep a secret?'

'Yes, of course, tell me!' Rina nooded.

'In this way, if i cut myshelf, i can see her again!' Rinas eyes went wide.

'Really? Is it tru?'

'Yes, and i can even talk to her!'

' How is she? Is she happy? Does she miss me?' She asked, jumping up and down, while Acumi just nooded and with a blade, she cut her wrist again.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now