Cut and pictures

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After walking around a little to find some peace, Rina had to go back to her room. She was scared of the headmaster, she didnt know what to do with Yuki, she was in lot of pain becouse of Zero, so everything was too hard.

She was walking up to her room, thinking about what to do, when Lord Kaname appeared in front of her, with a nice and warm smile on his face. ' Lord Kaname' said Rina. ' Headmaster Cross is waiting for you in his office. He wants to talk to you about something.' Rinas eyes went wide, her face became white as the snow and she felt like she was going to pass out. Kaname looked at her worryedly. ' Dont be afraid, he is not mad at you!' She took a deep breath. ' Thank you, i am going.' She turned back and made her way towards the office.

Her legs became weak as she was knocking on the door. ' Come in!' Shouted Cross and Rina opened the door and stepped in. Cross was sitting by the desk, his glasses were in front of him, his blond hair nearly covered his calm face. ' Rina, so you met Kaname, come closer and sit down!' He said and Rina walked to the chair, opposite to him. ' You know why i want to talk to you, dont you?' he asked in a nice voice. ' I know, i wasnt paying attention.' Cross shook his head. ' Its not just that, Rina!' She was surprised, and she started to think about what else had happened. ' You were a really good student, but your exam results are very low now. It was an extream change, and not for the better!' Rina swallowed. It wasnt a good start. ' I know, but i dont know why.' She lied. ' I was talking to Yuki about you, and she said that you changed a lot lately. She said that you look ill, and i have to admit that its tru.' ' I am not ill, i am all right, the only problem is that i cant sleep very well. ' ' And its not a little problem if it effects you in this way, Rina!' She wanted to stand up and leave, but she grabbed the adge of the chair and pressed it to keep hershelf calm. ' I undetstand, headmaster' ' I know you understand, but you have to understand that you are not just a student. You are the best friend of my doughter and the friend of my son, i am worryed about you.' This sentence made Rinas heart beat faster. Somebody really cared about her, somebody who is not even a relative of her. ' Thank you, but..' ' ' I want to help you, so i called your mother and asked her to come here as soon as its possible.' Her jaw dropped and she had to press the chair harder. ' What?My mother? Why?' ' She need to know if you have problems. She is coming two days later.' ' Why? Please, its not that big deal, i can solve this!' She was nearly in tears. ' I know you can, but i wont leave you alone!' He didnt even know how much pain he coused. ' And something else, i want to help you in your studies, so i asked Zero to help you!' That was like a knife in her chest, she could hardly bteath and think. ' No, i dont want this' ' Why?' ' I dont want to be a burden, Zero is a guardian, he has other stuffes to do!' ' Believe me, he is not enjoying being a guardian, it wont couse any problem.' She couldnt say anything, everything was a complete shock. ' Just concentrate on your studies and try to relax, all right? Maybe its just becouse of the stress, dont worry!' She didnt answer, she was frozen. ' All right than, you can leave now!' She stood up with shaking legs. ' Thank you, headmaster!'

She was weaker than before as she walked up to her room. Her forehead was hot and tears were forming in her eyes. She was trembling and felt dizzy, she could hardly walk on her feet. She wanted to be alone, but in her state, she knew she couldnt go anywhere. She just wanted to reach her bed. She was breathing fast and little green blurs appeared in front of her eyes.

Yuki was in the room, sitting in her bed and she was watching Rina as she walked in. At that moment she reached her bed, she callopsed onto it and closed her eyes. ' Rina, are you mad at me?' ' Yes Yuki, i am.' Said Rina. ' I am sorry, really but i want you to feel better. ' ' Feeling better?' She asked with pure rage in her voice, that surprised both of them. ' Feeling better from what? From seeing my mother? You know how much i hate her! Or from learning with Zero? Yuki, it was not your bisniss, why did you have to do this?' ' Rina, i...' ' I dont care, Yuki! Now, i am really sick, let me sleep!'

She closed her eyes and passed out. Yuki was watching her for a while, she felt guilty for cousing that much trouble, but she knew she had to do something. Thats why they are friends. ' I am sorry, i hope you can forgive me later.' She didnt even know that Rina could never forgive her.

Some hours passed and Rina woke up to the feeling that a cold hand was shaking her schoulder. As she opened her eyes, she saw Zeros perfect face in front of her.

' Wake up, we need to learn!' Said Zero, and Rina trembled. ' I dont want to.' ' But we have to, come on and lets start!' She mooved into a sitting position and Zero sat down in front of her. She realises that Yuki left. ' Where is Yuki?' She asked. ' She is gone, working.' ' I understand. Zero, i dont need any help. Cross wants to help me, i know but its not the best way! ' ' Rina, i just do what he asked and Yuki asked me too.' Rina took a deep breath. ' I dont want to learn today, i am tyred, Zero!' Zero placed a black book onto her hands. ' Here, take it and lets start!' Yuki watched the book, but it was somehow strange. ' Whats this? Its not a book we need!' ' What?' Asked Zero and took the book from her. A sharp pain went through her body, when the adge of the paper cut her fingers. She felt warm and a strange picture appeared in front of her. She saw a woman with long, dark brown hair and with christal blue eyes. Her face was white and somehow familyar to Rina. Her face was sad, even if she was smiling. ' Listen to me, Rina!' She said with her soft voice.

Rina was pulled out of this, when she felt weight on her body, and she realised that Zero was on top of her, pinning her hands down. Zeros eyes were bright red and the tatoo on his neck too, and he made a strange noise.

Rina was sirprised, but she couldnt feel fear. She was just watching the guy, who was maybe about to hurt her, but she didnt care. She knew about the vampires, but she tought that Zero was a human, a simple human being just like her, but he wasnt, and it just created bigger distance between them.

Zero was fighting against the urge to dring her blood, while Rina was just watching his eyes. She wasnt able to close her eyes or to look away.

She wanted Zero, from her whole heart and she came to the painful realisation that she cant, and dont even want to live without him. He was everything she wanted from the first time she met him.

Suddenly, she felt her face wet and her body was trembling, as if she was scared of Zero, but the truth was, she just couldnt take the feeling of not having him.

Zeros face went closer to her neck and she could smell his scent, it was soothing for her. She wanted to hug Zero, but her hands were pinned down and she couldnt move. ' To die in his arms would be perfect. I wouldnt mind!' She tought and closed her eyes, waiting for the pain. But pain didnt come, and Zero pulled away. He was watching her, his red eyes disappeared and the tattoo was black again on his white skin. Rina was still crying without a noise as always and she could feel how broken she was inside.

' Why? Why dont you fight?' Asked Zero breathing havily, but she couldnt answer. She could still see the sad woman in front of her, and she could almost feel her unhappyness. ' Rina!'

The door suddenly opened up and Yukis eyes went wide from the picture of Zero, pinning down Rina. Zero looked at her and stood up as quickly as he could, but Rina felt like her body didnt exist. ' Should i leave?' Asked Yuki. ' No, she cut her finger and i nearly drank her blood. I am sorry!' He turned to Rina. ' I understand, the headmaster wants to talk to you Zero, come, when you can.' She left and they were alone again and Zero sat down. ' I am sorry Rina, i didnt want to hurt you. ' She slowly sat up and tryed to brush her tears, but they just wouldnt stop flowing. ' Its nothing, Zero.' Her voice was as broken as hear heart. ' Nothing? It wasnt nothing, i could have killed you, Rina!' ' But i am alieve, tru? I am all right, dont worry.' ' Than why are you crying and shaking?' She looked at her hands. They were red where Zeros hands touched it. ' Its not that, believe me. ' She didnt lie, it wasnt becouse of Zeros action, it was becouse of Zero. Her body couldnt take this love anymore, she could feel it. ' Than what?' ' Its mother is coming, and something is wrong. I am...a little.....stressed...maybe.' She was nearly sobbing as she was speaking. She looked at the boy, who will never love her. He was her tragedy, her life and her death, he was her everything, but nothing at the same time. She couldnt stay there. ' And i cant do this!' She whispered and ran out of the room. Zero was watching the open door for a while, not really knowing what to think, than stood up and went to Cross.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now