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Rina started to walk back to the Cross Academy, after she left the Sunrise Clinic. Her mind was in a daze, her thinking was not clear and she felt her leg weakening slowly, as if they were too havy for her. The streets were nearly empty, maybe, becouse of the dark clouds and the strong wind. Its going to rain. She tought, as she looked up to the sky. She was thinking about what to do, when she arrives at the academy, but there were so many things, so many people that she wanted to talk to. I should talk to Kaname, i have to esk him about this. I have to go to the headmaster as well, and Yuki. Her smiling face appeared in front of her eyes. I have to explain her everything about Kaname and me. And i am sure she wants to know why i shot down Zero. Zero! She felt her stomach sink, when she remembered what she did to him. How to ask apologise from him? How to explain him? And another thing, I need to call mu...Kirana. I want to hear everything from him mouth. They all lied to me.

She stopped, becouse she felt too dizy to walk and she leand her shoulders against a wall. Her legs were so weak, and her knees were shaking. I should go!

But she couldnt move her legs, they were frozen. The image of Zero appeared in front of her, and tears started to escape her eyes. What if he will hate me? What if he wont forgive me? And what if he is....dead? She nearly screamed up, as she tought about it. No, i could never forgive myshelf! She breathed havily, and tryed to get back her power to go back.

'What a pretty girl! What are you doing in this stormy day?' Rina jumped up, as two arms wrapped around fer weist, and started to pull her into an alley.

'Let me go! Let me go!' She shouted, but the man just laughed.

'Shut up, little bitch, or you will prey for me to kill you!' She tryed to fight back, she kicked him with all her foce, but it was not enough.

'Help!' She shouted, but the man throw her onto the cold ground.

'I told you to shut up, didnt i?' the mans voice was deep, his clothes were dirty, but he was not homeless, as Rina could see. She tryed to stood up, but the man grabbed her hair and pulled her back down, cousing her to scream up in pain.

'Let me go! Please!'

'Bed girl!' he said and pushed her head onto the ground, and she screamed up again. She felt hot blood on her forhead, and everything seemed to stop. The man turned her back, so she was laying on her back now, facing the disgusting man, who sat down on top of her. He pleced a knife to her throat, the cold blade reached her skin, and she was scared to death.

'And now, you keep your little mouth shut, or i will put something onto it, that you wont enjoy.' he said with his perverted voice. She knew what he wanted, but she didnt want to imagine, and accept that its actually happening to her.

He pinned her hands down next to her head and his dark face went closer to Rinas, who was trembling in fear. She just wanted to survive, she wanted to see

Zero again, and Yuki. Zero. She could see his perfect face, his deep, levander eyes, but he was so far away. Tears escaped her eyes, as she closed tham, not wanting to see tha man, as he forced his lips onto hers. She could feel the smell of alcohol, and she was disgusted.

'Dont cry, littly girl, i wont hurt you! We just have some fun right now!' He laughed and touched her tigh, as he pulled up her skirt. She was breathing havily, and started sobbing, but than, she heard a familyar voice.

'Let go of her, or i will kill you!' tha man stopped and Rina frozed, as she realized Takuma standing there, holding his sword against the mans neck. There was a wild expression in his eyes, but than, he gave in and stood up from Rina.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now