Moral lines

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Hello, just a little comment. The word 'Suicism' is my word, i created it. Its not an existing illness.

Yuki and Zero couldnt understand what just happened. They heard a strange argument, but it was so chaotic.

'What was that? I didnt know that Kirana was not Rinas mother.' said Yuki, shocked. 'And what was her problem with you?'

'I drank Rinas blood, i think she realized.' Yukis eyes went wide.

'You really did? Thats what you two were doing at night!' Yuki stated and Zero closed his levander eyes.

'Yes, i lost control. I am sorry about it.'

'Its fine! Rina seems to be all right, or...maybe. I cant understand why she has secrets. I was her best friend, and she keeps liing to me. I am afraid i lost her.'

'Dont say this. She just has problems lately, thats all.'

'I see. I hope you are right.'

Rina was sleeping all day, she just couldnt keep her eyes open. Finally, she found out the truth, but she still couldnt remember.

'Now, you know everything Rina!' said Tora and smiled.

'Yes' Rina nooded.

'You can understand now what Kirana did to you!' she said in a blaming voice.

'She just tryed to protect me from you, mum!' even if Kirana lied to her, she could finally understand her reasons.

'What? You really think that she did it for you?'

'Yes, i believe so.'

'You are wrong, she just wanted me to stay alone. She was always that selfish!'

'No, she was a good friend of yours.!' Rina swallowd. ' And a better mother than you!' Toras blue eyes filled with rage.

'What did you say?'

'You heard me! She was not a good mother, but better than you!'

'I tryed to save you! I tryed to help you and teach you how to take the pain!'

'You tryed to kill me! You wants me to kill myshelf, just like you and Acumi did, but i am stronger that this!'

'How can you say that i was weak? I loved you and Acumi so much that i stayed here for years, just to see you!' she started crying.

'You are ill, mum!'

'Just like you!' Rina shook her head.

'No, its not that. Maybe i could kill myshelf, but i could never kill my doughter. Its something a real mother would never do!'

'You dont understand it!'

'Yes, i do.' Tora shook her head.

'No, its not just me! You cant imagine how much i want you to know what i know now! The knowladge of generationsare inside me!'

'I dont care about it, i just want to live!'

'Dont lie to yourshelf! Life was never enough good for you, you are just like me, you always wanted something more, and i can give you this now!' Rina shook her head.

'I dont want anything from you! Please, mum! If you love me, let go of me, couse if you dont, i will never forgive you! ' Tora unexpectedly hugged Rina.

'I am so sorry! I cant let you go now, when you are with me! Sooner or later, you will see that its the best for you, even if you hate me now.' Rina pushed her away.

'You are not my mother!'

Shze woke up shaking in her bad, still wearing her uniform. She was scared of Tora, she wanted to live and fight against her, but how?

She looked out through the window. It was early afternoon, and she decided to go for a walk, after she was sleeping mora than a day.

She walked out with her earplugs and was listening to music to calm her brain down. She could see as the night class students left the ÍMoon Dorm, surrounded by the Day Class students. Poor Yuki was fighting against them as always, while Zero did nothing. Rina smiled and knelt down onto the grass, than laid down, stomach- down, while she was listening the Bleeding out from the Imagine Dragons.

Yuki recognisd her and waved towards her happyly. Rina smiled back and did the same, when someone took out her earplugs.

'What the hell....' she turned arpound to see Kaname standing next to her. Surprisingly, not in his white uniform, but in a black shirt with a black jeans.

'Finally, you woke up!' he said.

'What do you want?' Rina asked rudely.


'Cool, than leave me alone!' said Rina and went back to her music, while Kaname laid down next to her, his back on the ground and he looked up to the girl.

'Fine...' she said and wanted to stand up. 'If you stay, than i go!' Kaname grabbed her hand and pulled her back down, so she was now laying on her back, and the vampire was halfway on top of her.

'What the fuck are you doing?' she asked angrily. Kaname was too clase to her for her liking.

'Are you still mad at me, Rina?' she laughed.

'Of course i am.'

'But why?' asked Kaname.

'Why? Becouse you threatened me with my most beloved person! I could never do this to you, i could never use Yuki against you, but you did. It just shows that you are a vampire!'

'What do you mean by that?' he asked, while his eyes deepened into Rinas angry ones.

'There are moral lines that a human would never cross! It was one of them, but a vampire like you could never understand it!' she said, avoiding all kind of respect.

'You are so rude!'

'Rude? I saved you in front of Zero! When he said that you are a beast, i said its not tru. Guess i was wrong!'

'You are disrespectful as always!' Rina laughed.

'Why should i respect someone like you? Who are you?'

'A pureblood vampire!' Rina nooded.

'Exectly. You are a VAMPIRE! You are the leader of the vampires, but i am a human, remember? You are not my leader, you are noone to me!' Kaname bent down, closer toö her face.

'I see you are really angry! How could i make you forgive me?'

'Get off of me, that would be g...' she started, but Kaname cut her off with a kiss on her lips. She was so shocked, that for a moment, she didnt even know what to do, but than, shepushed him away and slepped him on the face, than she jumped up from the ground dizzyly.

'What the fuck is wrong with you?' she shouted, while both the Day and the Night class students circled them, and Rina could see Yuki running away.

'You slepped me. It was the second time!' Kaname said.

'And i will do it, if you ever touch me again! Understand? Who do you think you are?' she shouted when Zero stepped to her and touched her shoulders to keep her calm.

'Calm down, Rina!' she tryed to fight down her anger.

'This fucking bustard!' she said while Kaname just smiled. Rina felt disgust as she brushed her lips. Zero pulled her out of the crowd.

'Are you all right? Did he hurt you?' asked Zero when they were finally away from them.

'No, he just...kissed me!' Zeros eyes went wide.


'He really doesnt know where to stop! I should go and talk to Yuki! How could i explain this?' she asked desperatly and left Zero, to run after Yuki.

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