I see you, only you!

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Finally Rina reached her room again, after the conversation with the headmaster.

'So? Was it bad?' asked Yuki, while Rina took off her clothes and put on her nightgown.

'No, not really.' she said already in her bed.

'What did he tell you? Will he punish you?' Rina shook her head and closed her eyes.

'He called here Kirana, thats all.'

'I am sorry about it, i know you hate her.'

'No, its all right. I want to talk to her.'

'All right, i see you are tyred. Good night Rina!'

Before she had a chanse to answer, dream took over her. After that day, it was not a surprise for her. She went through a lot, she had to realize that she is ill and her whole family died becouse of this illness, that Kirana is not her mother, and that Kaname and the headmaster hide something. Plus, she was nearly raped and she shot down Zero.

She was in the same room as always, with the woman she has already seen a lot, but now, it was different.

'Who are you?' Rina asked, not the first time in her life.


'Who are you? Answer me!' the woman smiled warmly.

'Whats your guess?' she asked and Rina swallowed. 'Tell me, what do you think, who i am?'

'Are you....' she started, but stopped.


'Are you my....mother?' the womans smile grow bigger.

'Finally, i can get you back!' she said, nearly whispered.

'So am i right? You are really my mother.'

'Yes, i am. Whats wrong?'

' You killed yourshelf. And becouse of you, Acumi did the same.'

'Why do you think this?' she asked.

'Becouse she could see you, just like i can see you now.'


'And becouse of you, she cut hershelf.'

'So are you blaming me right now? Rina, grow up!' she said with a sarcastic smile.

'What are you talking about?'

' Why arent you happy to see me? I am your mother, after all. Kirana just took you away from me, but now, you know who i am, and who you are.' For Rina, it started to become scary.

'You are dead. You dont belong here, mum!'

'And you dont belong here too, thats why i am here. I came here for you!'

'What?' Rina whispered.

'I know you want it. You ve always wanted to die. You want to leave everything behind, i can see it, and you can feel it deep inside.'

'No!' Rina shook her head.

'I was fighting against it at first, just like you do, but than, i realized that life is not enough good for me. I wanted something more, and you want too. You are just like me, and i am proud of you.'

'Stop it. You are my mother, you should tell me to fight, to never give up! But you tell me to kill myshelf? I am not as weak as you.' her mother smiled.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now