One night of terror

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Rinas calmness was gone,as she walked up to her room. She was disgusted from Hanabusa, and scared at the same time. She wanted to stop him, but she didnt know how. The only way was to tell Zero the truth, but she was not able to do it.

AS she opened the door of her room, Yuki woke up and started watching her with a strange expression.

'I am sorry to wake you up' said Rina, but Yuki shook her head.

'NO, its all right. Where were you all night? I was worryed.' she said and Rina sat down.

'I was with Zero.' she said and Yukis eyes went wide.

'Oh, really?' Rina nooded, and Yuki smiled to her.

'But it was not what you think. We were just talking.' Yuki nooded-

'All night long?' she asked happyly.

'We fall asleep outside. Thats all!'

'I saw you two were dancing. How could you make him dance? I tryed so many times, but couldnt.' Yuki laughed.

'I can say, i forced him. He didnt have any other chance,so..'

'I understand. There is no school today. What are you going to do?' Yuki asked, and Rina tought about Hanabusa.

'I dont know. I am a little tyred, so maybe, i will be just relaxing. ' Yuki shook her head.

'I am sorry to inform you, but you have a lesson with Zero. The headmaster told me to tell you.' Rinas eyes went wide.

'I just met Cross and he didnt tell me anything!' she said.

'You know him, dont be surprised!' Yuki laughed.

'Yes, you are right!'

Rina was sleeping for hours after that, or, she tryed to sleep, but knowing that a bloodthirsty vampire was waiting for her made it relly hard. She wanted to do something, she wanted to escape from this, but there was no way to. Yuki left and went somewhere, so she was alone in her room. She felt weight on her chest, and she just wanted to run away from Hanabusa.

There was a knock on the door ans she sat up slowly.

'Come in!' she shouted and Zero opened the door.

'Hey! Were you sleeping?' he asked and closed the door behing his back.

'No, not really.' she said.

'We have to learn, the headmaster told me.' he said emotionlessly and Rina nooded. Where is the warmness of the last night? She asked hershelf and sadness took over her.

'I know. Can we stay here?' she asked and Zero nooded.

'I dont care. ' he sat down and they started to learn maths. RIna couldnt concentrate, she was thinking about Hanabusa all the time. With every passing moment, she was more scared than before. She wanted to ask help, but how? And from who? From Zero? It was not a solution. Secrets are dangerous! She heard Hanabusas words and and she mentally slepped hershelf for bein that stupid. 

'Why are you that scared? You could stop him, with only one word!'  said the voice of Tora.

'I cant, you know that i cant tell Zero the truth!' she tought and without even realizing, she hugged her knees.

'But its your only chance, or, you can come home!' Rina was even more scared now. She felt that Tora will use this to kill her.

'Shut up and leave me alone!' she said. 'I am not going to kill myshelf!'

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