Everybody wants somebody

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Rina opened her eyes to the sound of Yukis steps, and she felt heavy. ' Whats the time? ' She asked tiredly. ' 7, good morning! I was about to wake you up' She slept 3 hours at night. ' Better than yesterday' she tought and quickly pushed her body into a sitting position. ' Are you all right?' asked Yuki when she stood up. ' Of course' Rina said walking to the bathroom. ' all right'.

Rina wasnt all right, of course. The realisation of the last night popped up in her mind, and she felt guilty. ' Am i a wrong person?' She asked hershelf, bit there were no answer, just scilence and emptyness. She brushed her face from the dryed tears, and brushed her teeth while she was just thinking about Zero. She could imagine his silver hair, his hard eyes, his always-said and low voice, and Rina stopped mooving. ' I want him, i want him to love me' She tought, and pain took over her again. She wanted to callopse onto the ground and fall asleep, never waking up again. She wanted to die.

Long minutes passed and Yuki was watching the door of the bathroom, waiting for Rina to come out, but she couldnt even hear a noise from inside. ' Rina, come out! You are going to be late if you stay there!' Rina woke up from her dark thoughts and finally left. As she stepped out, Yukis worryed look made her feel disgusted, but not from Yuki. ' Sorry, i know i should hurry'

'Yes, it would be great! Arent you ill? You are so pale lately!' Rina started to get dressed and she turned backs against Yuki, not to see her face. ' Dont worry Yuki, i am all right, i just couldnt really sleep, thats all. '

'I understand, all right' Rina realises that Yuki was ready to go. ' You dont need to wait for me, Yuki, i am going to be late i think! Lets go, i will be there sooner!' Yuki was surprised, she didnt understand the coldness in her voice. ' You sure?' she asked with hesitation. ' Yes, dont wait for me!'

' All right than, see you later!' Yuki left the room and walked to the classroom, where Zero was alteady waiting for her. ' Morning' She said and sat down, while she was just thinking about her friend.

' Whats wrong Yuki?' Asked Zero after a while, when the teacher arrieved. ' Rina' she said. ' Whats wrong with her?' ' I dont know, she is so strange lately. I am worryed about her, i dont exectly know why.' Yuki was watching the door, waiting for Rina to enter. ' Ask her than' ' I did, she saod she was all right. She just couldnt sleep.' Zero was thinking. ' Believe her, she is your best friend, she wouldnt lie to you' ' I cant, cant you see?' Zero felt like he missed something. ' What?' ' Her eyes. Her eyes changed. They are filld with...pain. All i can see in her eyes is pain and darkness, and it makes me scared. I fell like something wrong is going to happen. ' Yukis voice was shaking, when the door opened and Rina finally walked in. ' Sorry for being late!' She said to the teacher, with no emotion. ' Its not the first time Rina, sit down!' Rina did what he said, and Zero started to examine her eyes. He could see what Yuki was talking about, sadness and pain was sparkling in her cold eyes.

' Maybe you are right, Yuki, but i dont know her as much as you do, so i cant be sure' Yuki took a deep breath and said. ' Maybe i should talk to her about this, somehow. '

Rinas eyes fixed on the teacher, but she couldnt hear his words, she was lost in her thoughts. She wanted to run, run out of the classroom, out of the school, and out of Zeros life, maybe, out of her own life too. She was sick of just sitting there, not doing anything and not saying a word about her real feelings, but it was her. It was always her style, to stay scilente, becouse its the only safe way of living. Waking up, she felt like some eyes were watching her, and she turned towards the feeling. Yuki looked away at that moment and told something to Zero. ' Oh shit, how could i tell her that i dont want to be her friend anymore? ' It was a hard question for her. Every day she had to watch how Zero loved Yuki, and how Yuki didnt noticed that, and it was more than disturbing.

'Rina, will you please answer?' asked the teacher, and Rinas eyes went wide. ' Sorry, what was the question?' ' Thats it Miss Rina, i didnt ask anything,but of course you werent paying attention. I dont know whats going on with you, but you are doing this sice months, and i cant look away from this. ' Rine felt like something wrong is going to happen. ' I am sorry, but i have to report it to the headmaster, Cross!' She went white, reporting something to Cross means only one thing, the coming of her mother, and it wors than the hell itshelf.

Rina was scared all day, so she couldnt concentrate. She wasnt even talking to Yuki or Zero, she just wanted some time alone.

Finally, the lessons finished and class changeover arrieved. That was the time when the day class students could see the night class students, and it was always so chaotic. Rina wasnt interested in it, becouse her love was standing next to her, his hands in his pockets, and they were watching as Yuki tryed to save the Nigh class students. ' Why dont you help her?' She asked Zero. ' I am not in the mood, she can solve it alone' ' Confortable, i can say'

'Yuki, my dear, thank you for your hard work!' Said Lord kaname, the whole crowd went crazy and Yuki blushed. ' Its...Its...nothing, Lord Kaname!' Kaname was a beautiful man, he was every girls dream, but Rina was different. She could love only one person, and he was standing next to her, and as he heard Kanames voice, his eyes filled with hate and disgust. Rina, of course, saw it and she felt pain in her chest. ' I want Zero as much as Zero want Yuki, and as much as Yuki want Kaname. ' She tought, and for her, in a painful way, but it was funny and an unexpected laugh escaped her lips. Zeros eyes went wide, and anger burned up in his heart. ' What the hell you are laughing at?' He asked. ' Its nothing, its a joke i heard from someone.' She said, but she couldnt stop smiling. ' And we all suffer from the same pain. ' She thought, but was unable to feel sympathy anymore. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ' I am going, see you later!' With this she turned around and left.

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