Ball 2

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Soon after Rina fall asleep, Kaname opened the door and entered. His lips curved into a small smile, as he saw the girl sleeping peacefully.

'She is sleeping, finally!' said Zero and stood up from the bed, as Kaname stepped closer.

'I see.' He took her into his arms and started to walk out of the room. 'Come with me, i want you to take care of her.'

'You cant tell me what to do, vampire!' said Zero angrily.

'No, i cant. But Rina can, because you owe her.' Zeros eyes went red and all he wanted was to kill Kaname, but he had to admit that he was right. 

'All right.' he said finally, without emotions. They get on Kanames car, but he was holding Rina in his arms, and watched her small, white face. It was disturbing for Zero, after what Rina told him about Kaname. 'Why did you want me to come with you?' Zero asked, and Kaname looked up to him.

'If you are here, i cant do anything to hurt her. Thats the reason.'

'She told me what you did to her today.'

'I didnt want to hurt her. I just lost my control for a moment, and it was enough.'

'I cant understand you. You love Yuki, but like Rina at the same time.' Kaname nooded.

'Yes, exectly. My love, my everything is Yuki, but Rina makes me feel things that i have never felt before.' For Zero is sounded disgusting, so he turned around and watched out through the window. 'You dont need to worry, Zero. I wont bite her, or anything.'

'I am glad!'

When Rina finally opened her eyes, she could feel the horryble consequence of the last day. She had a splitting headache and her stomach felt like she had diarreach. She managed to sit up, but it was not too easy. As she looked around the room, she found her black dress on the back of the chair, and her uniform laying on the chair.

'Where were you all day? And when did you come back?' asked Yuki curiously.

'I, at first.' she said, covering her eyes froim the bright sunrise.

'At first?' Yuki asked.

'Yes, you know, Cross let me out just with Kaname, so we went shopping together, than, i wanted to coma back, but he didnt let me, so i had to go to a ball, or something like this.' Yuki stopped for a moment as she was changing into her uniform.

'Oh, i understand. But why are you so...tyred?' Rina remembered everything what happened to her. She could recall every word she said to Zero in the room, when they were alone. She started blushing.

'Oh my God!' she said.

'Whats wrong?'

'Nothing, i was just drinking a little too much, thats all.' Yukis eyes went wide, surprised.

'How did you coma back and when?' Rina tryed to remember, but nothing.

'I dont know. I really dont know.' She stood up, and she blushed deeper than before, as she realized that she was not in her nightgown, but in only a black shirt, that was clearly not hers. It brought up an important question. 'Who undressed me?' Yuki examined the shirt on her.

'I dont know, but it looks like Zeros shirt.' Rinas heart nearly stopped and she sat back, not to fall off.

'Oh no, no.' she whispered, while Yuki just smiled. 'Yuki its not funny!'

'Yes, it is!' she laughed as Rina ran to the bathroom and changed into her uniform. She walked down to the classroom, hoping that Zero was not there, but she was not a lucky type. Zero was standing in front of the room, and he smiled, as he recognised Rina, who was blushing like an idiot.

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