The mental hospital

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Rina opened her eyes, but she wasnt in her room anymore. it was a much more beautiful one, with long, dark curtains, and she could feel the silk blanket on her.

She was so confused about the events. She remembered cutting hershelf, but it seemed like it wasnt her at all. Where i am? She asked hershelf as she looked around again.

'I am glad that you are awake.' Kaname opened the door and enterd, thats when she realized that she was in his room.

'Am i in your room?' She asked and he smiled.

'Yes, i told you before.' Kaname sat down onto the bad and grabbed Rinas bandaged hand.

'What happened to me?' she asked.

'Dont you remember?'

'I do, but....i just dont understand it.'

'What did you feel when you cut yourshelf?'

'Relief. Happyness. I didnt feel pain.'

'From this point, you are going to feel the urge to cut yourshelf, but i ask you not to.'

'I am afraid i cant control it.' Rina said.

'Please, try.' said Kaname.

'I will. Can i ask something?' She remebered her dream/memory.


'My mother sent my sister to a mental hospital, while she wasnt insane. Why?' Kanames eyes went wide.

'Why do you think i know?'

'I feel it.' kaname didnt answer. ' You are not telling me.' He shook his head. 'Perfect, than, i should go and find out!'

'How?' he asked as Rina stood up, ready to leave.

'Theres only one mental hospital here, i hope, they can give me some information.' She left the room and met Ruka on the corridor of the Moon dorm.

'What were you doing in Lord Kanames room?' she asked angrily, and Rina felt pity for her. Ruka loved Kaname, it was not a secret, and she was in the same pain as Rina.' Dont you here me? I asked something!'

'Sorry!' with this, she left and made her way through the vampires, back to the Sun dorm. As she left the gate of the Moon dorm, a day class student, Minava stopped her.

'Rina, were you in the Moon dorm?' she nooded, becouse there were no point in lieing.

'Yes, i was.'

'Are you the lover of Lord Kaname?' Rina couldnt help, but laughed.

'No, of cours, not.' The girl was releafed.

'Than why are you with him so much?'

'becouse we are....uhmm...friends. ' She didnt know how to call their relationship.

'You are so lucky!' Lucky, of course.

'I should go, sorry!'

She left the girl and decided to go to the headmaster for his permission to go out to the city again.

Kaname left the Moon dorm and met Zero.

'Zero, can i have a word with you?' Zeros eyes narrowed.

'What do you want?'

'Rina wants to go out to the city. She went to the headmaster, who will refuse to let her out. But it wont stop her.'

'And?' Zero asked, becoming confused.

'I want you not to let her out. Stop her, i dont care, how, but she cant leave,'

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now