See you again

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'Yes, he is here. Thats all i wanted to tell you.' she said.

'Thank you, go back to your room!' Rina smiled and nooded, even if she knew that she have to go to the prison.

'Of course, bye!' she said and left. Later, Zero met Yuki, who was walking around the forest.

'What did she want to tell you?' Yuki asked.

'Its a long story. She met Shizuka Hio.' Yukis eyes went wide.

'With that woman? Why?' she asked.

'She wants to help her against her mother, thats all.'

'Where is Rina?'

'She went back to your room.' Zero said, and started to walk.

'Oh, i understand.'

When Zero and Yuki finished patrolling and they went back to their rooms, Yuki was expecting Rina to be there, but when she opened the door of the room, it was empty. Yuki was curious about what she was doing lately. She realised that Rina disappeares every night, but she didnt know where and why. Plus, she changed a lot, and it made Yuki worryed. I have to do something! She tought and decided that the next day, she will follow her.

Next morning, Rina woke up with a strange feeling. Everything was somehow, brighter than before. She couldnt feel that weight on her chest, and the world seemed to be a much happyer place. She was lighter, her heart was not aching, and she couldnt hear Toras voice, telling her to give up. She could really help me! She tought and jumped out of bad happily. Even the Sun was brighter than before, her whole life changed. She get dressed quickly, and she was singing something, that surprised even her. Yuki was just watching her, not believing her own eyes. The girl, who was not even talking to her the last day, was dancing and singing happily.

'Are you all right, Rina?' she asked, but the girl just smiled.

'Perfectly, Yuki! Shizuka really blocked Toras ghost, i feel it. She is not talking to me about killing myshelf anymore!' she laughed, but Yuki stayed serious.

'Do you think that she really wants to help you?' she asked.

'I dont know, but to tell you the truth, i dont even care. as long as i can live.' she said and ran out of her room. She walked to her classroom, where she found Zero, looking emotionless as always. She was happy to see him, and at first in her life, this happyness was not shadowed by something wrong. It was not painful, she wasnt thinking about why she cant get him, she was just happy. Her soul was calm, and life was better, as she felt. 

She walked to Zero and hugged him without even thinking. Zero was surprised, but hugged her back.

'Are you all right?' he asked, and Rina let go of him.

'Yuki asked the same, but why? Is it so strange if i am happy?' Zero nooded.

'Yes, to be honest.' Rina smiled.

'But its...its so good. I am alone, finally. ' she said and Zero was confused.

'What are you talking about?'

'I mean, in my head. I dont hear Toras voice. Its just me inside, and it feels like everything is much better than it was. I am not so depressed anymore, i dont want to kill myshelf every moment. ' she laughed.

'I am happy to hear that you are fine! ' he said. 'But go and sit down, the teacher is here!' 

'Oh, really!' she walked to her chair, with sparkling eyes. After the teacher, arrieved, someone else opened the door of the room. Everybody was shocked to see Ichiru walking in. Rinas eyes went wide, Zero pressed the adge of his desk, the other students were just cheering.

'Kids, as you see, we have a new student. Ichiru, come here and introduce yourshelf!' the teacher said and Ichiru walked to him with a bright smile.

'Hello everybody, i am happy to be here! My name is Ichiru Kiriyu, and as you recognised, i am Zeros twin brother. I hope we can be good friends.' he finished. The girls started to talk about how nice he is, and how different from Zero, while he walked to the empty place, that was next to Rina. 'Can i sit down?' he asked and Rina nooded.

'What are you doing here?' she asked as he sat down.

'Shizuka sent me here to look after you!' he said. ' I told you that i will be here today.'

'Yes, you did. But i didnt think that you will be my classmate!' he laughed.

'Its the easyest way, how are you anyways?' Rina smiled.

'I am fine. I am much better.' she said.

'I see, your colour is better. You were so pale yesterday.' he said and the lesson started. Rina was listening to the teacher, while Ichiru was just watchin her. Zero and Yuki was watching them.

'What do you love in him?' Ichiru asked after a long scilence, and Rinas pen fell out of her fingers.

'What did you ask?' she asked, but Ichiru just smiled and turned back to the teacher. When the lesson finished, Ichiru left the room, and Rina decided to go after him. As she tryed to leave, Zero stopped her.

'Did you know that he will be here?' he asked.

'No, i didnt. I have to go.' she said and ran after the boy. He was waiting for her in the corridor, leaning against the wall, just like Zero. 'Why did you ask that?' Rina asked as she walked to him.

'I am curious. What do you love in him? What is so spacial in him?' he asked, and Rina went red.

'How do you know that?' she asked.

'I said, i was watching you for years with Shizuka. I know everything about you.' he said.

'All right, but its not your business. I love him, because i love him. ' she said and Ichiru stepped closer to her and grabbed her right hand. Rina tryed to pull back, but he pressed it to his warm chest.

'Can you feel it? Its my heart.' he said.

'What do you want?' she asked, still trying to pull back her hand.

'Rina, you are a good girl. You deserve someone better. You deserve someone, who has a soul, and a warm heart. You deserve someone, who can give you more that death and pain, and a man, who can make you happy. I would happily be this person, if you want me.' Rinas jaw dropped, as Ichiru grabbed her other hand too, and gently pushed her onto the wall. She tryed to leave, but the boy pressed his lips onto hers, and kissed her softly. She wanted to push him away, but deep inside her, she imagined that it was Zero. Would it be the same feeling? She tought and before she could realize, she kissed back. But after a minute, she realized what she was doing and strongly pushed Ichiru away.

'What the hell were you doing?' she shouted, but Ichiru just smiled.

'You kissed back, Rina. Dont lie to yourshelf!' Rina turned around and sterted to run. 

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now