The last fear

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Rina went back to her room, she was too shocked to do something else. Ichirus action made her feel confused. He was so strange, even stranger than Zero. She wanted top forget about the kiss, but it was so good, warm, and gentle. She was laying on her bad, when Yuki arrieved, and she sat doan next to Rina.

'How are you?' she asked, looking down to the nearly criing girl.

'Fine. Why do you ask?' she asked.

'I heard that you were kissing with Ichiru.' Rina sat up quickly.

'Who the hell told you this?' she asked angrily.

'A girl from the class saw you, and she told it to everyone.' she said and Rina laid back, covering her face with her pillow.

'Cool. I am so happy.' she said.

'What happened?' Yuki asked, but Rina shook her head.

'I dont know, really.'

'Why did he kiss you?' Yuki asked.

'I dont know, Yuki. I didnt understand. He said that i deserve someone better that Zero, and kissed me. Thats all.'

'Maybe, he likes you.' Rina looked up to Yuki.

'Yuki, you cant be serious! He doesnt even know me.....personally.' she said.

'But he kissed you. Did you kiss back?' she asked and Rina nooded.

'I did, but i dont know why. ' Yuki smiled to her.

'You love Zero, and he is nearly the same. Maybe, thats the reason.' Rina was thinking about it for a while, that shook her head.

'He is nothing like Zero. He is really different from him.'

'In what way?' Yuki asked.

'He is nice, warm. I can see life in his eyes.' she said.

'So, you like him.' Yuki stated.

'What? No.' Rina said.

'Yes, you do. Its not problem, its good.' Yuki said, but Rina didnt think so.

' He is Zeros brother, Yuki. Its not all right.' she turned aropund and went to sleep.

As Zero was walking towards the office of Cross, Ichiru appeared in front of him unexpectedly.

'Hey, brother!' he said with a smile. 'Good to see you again!' Zeros eyes filled with rage.

'What are you doing here?' he asked.

'Calm down, i have nothing to do with you. I came here just because of Rina.' he said. 'But i am happy to meet you again. After so many years.'

'I heard that you kissed her. ' Zero said, and Ichiru smiled.

'Yes, i did, is it a problem?' he asked.

'I dont care, as long as you dont brake her heart!' Ichiru laughed up.

'Good joke, that you care about her heart. But calm down, i dont want to hurt her, like you did.' Zeros eyes burned up, and the other boy laughed again. 'A vampirehunter vampire, thats a shame!' he said.

'You left with the killer of our parents. Thats a shame, Ichiru.' 

Rina opened her eyes, and it was deep dark outside. She jumped up and looked at her watch. It was 10 15. Oh my God! She tought and started to run towards the prison. Yuki and Zero was not patrolling, but the girl stayed out, waiting for Rina to leave the building as always. As she saw Rina running, she followed her in scilence. 

Rina reached the dark, old prison and ran down the steirs, just to find Hanabusa, waiting for her, with sparkling red eyes. Yuki stayed outside, hiding behind a tree. 

'I am sorry!' Rina said to Hanabusa.

'You were late, Rina. I told you not to late.' he said and punched Rina, who fell onto the cold ground, and groand in pain.

'How will i explain this? The bruise on my face?' she asked, tears in her eyes. Hanabusa laughed up and kicked her on the ribs.

'Its not my problem, little girl!' She nearly screamed up in pain, but she caughed up blood. He kicked her again, and the wall hit her head strongly. She started caughing again, and Hanabusa sat down onto her, causing even more pain to her shettered ribs. 'You have to learn that we play with rules. ' he said and bared his fangs into her neck. She tryed to think about something good, but at this time she couldnt. All she felt, was darkness, and it scared her. When Hanabusa stopped, she couldnt moove from the pain and the loss of blood. 'Dont be late anymore, or i wont wait for you!' he said and left. Yuki saw Hanabusa leaving the prison, and she became confused. Rina managed to sit up, and tryed to bandage her neck, but she was so weak that she couldnt. She leaned agains the wall, when she heard footsteps coming closer to her. She was scared that it was Hanabusa again, but it was not him. Yuki was standing in front of her, covering her mouth.

'Oh my God, Rina!' she said and knelt down next to her.

'What are you doing here, Yuki?' she asked, and caughed.

'I was following you. What did Hanabusa do to you?' she asked and Rina laughed up uneasily.

'What do you think, what?'

'Come on, i will take you back, and call a doctor!' Rina grabbed her hand.

'No, you cant.' she said.

'What? Why? '

'He is threatening me with Zero. He will tell him that i love him.' she said in tears.

'But you need a doctor, Rina! He hit you, and what happened to your ribs?'

'I am all right, Yuki. He kicked me two times, but its not that wrong. ' she said, tryeing to stay calm, and cover the pain she felt.

'What your ribs are broken? It can kill you!' shouted Yuki, but Rina grabbed her hand again.

'You cant do this to me! Please, help me back to our room, and dont talk about this anymore!' Yuki shook her head, but did, what Rina asked from her. She helped her to get out of the prison, and they slowly walked back to their room. Rina was dizzy and weak, and the pain was horryble, but she didnt stop to walk. When they reached their room, Rina callopsed onto her bad, and passed out. 

Yuki was watching her worryedly for a while. Why dont you trust me? She asked and went to sleep.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now