Unexpected help

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Weeks passed with this. Every night, Rina had to go out and meet Hanabusa in the prison. Every night, he was turturing her, but somethimes it was harder for him, than for Rina, because Rina was always thinking about Zero. That was the only thing that she could hold onto, when she was that scared, alone, without help and hope. 

She stayed strong, as strong as she could, but Rina changed slowly from the constant pain and fear. She became quiter, she stopped talking to Yuki, and tryed to avoid Zero. She wanted to be alone, and it was harder and harder to cover her bruised neck. After three weaks, Zero was curious why she still had a bandage around her neck.

One day, she went out to the park to learn or relax a little before the night, but she was so tyred that she couldnt stay awake. She fall asleep.

She had the avarage nightmares, of course, and when she opened her eyes, it was dark outside. As she turned her head, she met with two levander eyes.

'Zero?' she asked, and the boy smiled, while they both sat up.

'Close, but not exectly.' the boy said. His voice was higher than Zeros, and Rina knew that he can be only one person.

'Ichiru?' she asked and Ichiru nooded.

'Yes, you are claver. How do you know my name?' he asked.

'Zero was talking about you. What are you doing here?' Rina asked, nearly shocked to see Zeros brother next to her. HE was just like Zero, but he was different in a way. She could see much more life in his eyes, than in Zeros.

'I came here for you, Rina!' he said.

'For me? How do you know me?' she asked, surprised.

'I know you  since years, but its not important now. Come with me!' he said and smiled.


'somebody wants to talk to you, and i have to take you to her.' he said, and Rina stood up from the ground.

'Who is she? Shizuka Hio?' it was strange, but Ichiru left with Shizuka, so it has to be her.

'Yes, its her. You know a lot, girl!' he laughed.

'What if i refuse to go? Why should i trust you, and go with you?' Rina asked, and Ichiru smiled down to her, softly.

'Than you will miss your only chance to survive. Shizuka wants to help you!' Rinas eyes went wide.

'Why? I dont even know her.'

'But she knows you, and thats enough. So, come or not?' She was scared to go, but what if he was right? A chance to survive...

'All right, i am going. But i have to be here at 10.' she said, thinking of Hanabusa. Ichiru nooded.

'Cool.' he took out a black material, and gave it to Rina.

'Whats this?' she asked.

'Cover your eyes, its an avarage sleeping mask!'

'And why?' 

'Because you are not allowed to know the way to Shizuka. I will take you there, and bring you back. My brother wants to kill her, and we cant risk that you tell him the way.' Rina nooded.

'I understand' she covered her eyes and took a deep breath.

'Dont be scared!' Ichiru said as they started to walk. 'You can trust me!' she smiled uneasily. To trust someone was the last thing she could do.

'How could you leave with that woman? She killed your parents!' she said.

'Dont blame me for something that you dont even understand!' he said, and Rina nooded.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now