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Hy everybody, if you read this story, please, vote, comment or anything you want. I love writing, and i want to work on my english, and its a good way. Its the new chapter, i hope you ll like it.

- Rina was sitting with the strange woman again and she was holding her hands with his cold, weak ones. ' You dont need to take this pain anymore! Come with me and i can show you things that you cant even imagine now!' Rinas heart was beating very fast in her chest. ' What do you want from me and who are you? Whats your name?' The woman smiled softly and touched her face with her fingers. ' Oh dear, you really dont know?' ' No, i dont. Please, tell me!' She smiled again. ' I am, who i am, and thats enough now. You are going to understand everything later, just please, do what i ask! I need to reach you somehow, and its the only way!' ' What if i dont want to?' ' You cant refuse me, after all. But its all for you, Rina!' ' I dont know, i am not sure!' ' Trust me, all i want to help you, but i need you, i cant do this alone. You need to let me in first.' She looked at the woman with her confused eyes, she just didnt know what to think about her. A part of her already believed her, but a voice told her not to obey.-

Rina opened her weak eyes, and she could only see darkness around her. She could sleep a little finally, that was good, but the dream she just had was so strange. Kiranas voice popped up in her mind as she said "Without hesitation." 'She can break my whole life into little pieces, with only one word. Why? She is my mother, after all, she should love me. ' She told to hershelf and sat up in her bad. It was the middle of the dark night and she felt a kind of weight on her chest. She looked at Yuki, who was in a deep sleep as always. ' How can you sleep like this? After all, after everything you have done and you are still doing.' She whispered, and a wave of disgust went through her body. ' Uhh...seems like i am not going to sleep more!' She tought and stood up. Wearing only her nightdress, she walked out of her room, and not knowing what to do, she went to the kitchen to find some food or to drink something. ' I am, who i am.' She repeated the womens words, but still, she couldnt understand. ' Who are you?' She asked when she reached the kitchen, where the lights were still on. She opened the fridge, but could find nothing, just a bottle of water. ' Cool, it wont be enough if i am hungry.' She said angrily, tossing the door of the fridge back. She sat down onto a chair, and realised that there was a knife in front of her. Somebody most likely left it there. Rinas fingers slowly reached for it, not really knowing why. She was watching the sharp blade and could hear the womans voice in her head. ' You need to let me in first.' 'Let her in. But how?' She tought and started to play with the knife. Than, without even realising what she was doing, she wrapped her fingers around the blade and pressed it. Red blood started to drop down onto the floor, and she wanted more. She slided the blade and cut a deep line into her white palm. Her pain started to vanish, and she felt a kind of relief. For a moment, her suffering was gone, and the womans face appeared. It was a little blurred, but still, she was there, in her mind.

' Finally, you see, its so easy!' Said the woman. ' What did i do?' Rina asked. ' You did what i asked. You let me in, and now, from that point, i can reach you, Rina.' Rina didnt know what to think, she was clearly scared. ' I know it scares you, but trust me, i dont want to hurt you. I just want to help you to take the pain. ' ' Who are you, please, i want to know!' She shook her head softly. ' Later, darling. After so many years, i can get you back. But you have to be ready for this at first.' ' What do you mean?' ' All you have to do is to listen to me, and i will show you who you are, and who you are not. I know its not easy, i know your pain, i know everything about you, and i know that you need me, so, i am here. ' ' I dont understand it, i dont understand you.' Rina said insecurely. ' You will, i just need a little time. '

The woman in front of her eyes slowly faded away, and she looked around in the kitchen, with shaking hands and legs. It was not a dream, it was real, she knew it, but it scared her to death. As she looked down to her bleeding hand, the regret hit her at that moment and the knife fall out from her fingers and hit the ground. ' Who i am, and who i am not?' She asked hershelf while tears dropped down on her face.

After she washed her still bleeding hand, she decided not to go back to her room, but to go to the balcony to breath some fresh air. She wanted to clear out her brain, that was so chaotic now. But it was useless, the air was heavy and she couldnt relax, even for a moment. She felt like when the woman reached her, something else reached her too. Darkness. Darkness. As she repeated this word in her mind, her lips started to shake. ' Something is wrong with me, i hear voices and i see someone who is not exesting. What if i am crazy?' She asked, but nobody answered, of course. The wind was blowing, and she took a deep breath, when suddenly, a soft voice scared her. ' What are you doing out there in the middle of the night? You should be sleeping right now, in your room. ' She turned around, just to face Kaname, who was standing right in front of her. ' I.....I just couldnt sleep.' She said, and Kaname smiled to her softly. ' And you decided to come here? ' ' Y...Yes. I needed some air.' The wind started to blow from behind Rinas back, and Kaname smelled her blood. ' You are bleeding, let me see it!' He took Rinas hand and watched the deep scar on her palm. ' Its a cut.' He said, letting go of her. ' I know it is.' His eyes narrowed. ' You did it, didnt you?' Rina trembled and turned away, but she couldnt turn away from the question. ' It was... it was just an accident. I didnt...'

' You dont need to explain anything to me. Just think, before you do something silly. ' Its too late. Maybe i made a horryble mistake. She tought. ' All right, i understand. ' ' I am afraid, you dont. ' He said. ' What?' ' Nothing, you are going to understand it sooner. ' He knows something about me. But what? ' I think, you should go back right now.' Said Kaname, but Rina shook her head. ' I cant, i just cant. I had enough of sitting there, not doing anything. ' ' Try to sleep than!'

She shook her head again. ' I cant. ' He walked closer to Rina, who was just staring at him with her bloodie eyes, than she got shock, when Kanames arms wrapped around her, and she was pressed to his chast. ' You closed so much pain into your little heart, Rina. I am afraid that one day, it will break you. ' He touched the back of her head, and she felt weaker at that time. Her eyes slowly closed, and she fall asleep. ' If thats the only thing i can help you with, i will do it every night for you. You have to be stronger now, stronger than ever before. I hope, you are ready.

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