Replacing Yuki for one night

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Finally Rina was able to calm down a little, but she couldnt go back to her room. How to face Yuki? How to face tha fact thet she was lieing her for years? How to face her failure? She was too scared of this, so she stayed away from Yuki all day, and she spent hours just sitting in front of an old tree, listening to music and ignoring Toras voice.

She nearly fall asleep, when a hand touched her shoulders and she jumped up, nearly out of her skin, before she realized that it was just Zero.

'Oh God! You scared me to death!' she said, ignoring the growing pain in her chest.

'Sorry, i didnt want to scare you!'

'All right, no problem. Whats up?'

'I was searching for you! Yuki is a little ill, so the headmaster ask you to replace her tonight and patrol with me.'

'All right.' Rina nooded. 'Whats wrong with Yuki?'

'She just has a little fewer, dont worry!' Zero said as they were walking towards the main building. Night classes have already started, so the work-time of them too. 'Yuki was searcing for you too.' Said Zero and Rina looked down, avoiding his gaze.

'I tought so.' she said.

'She said that you two should talk about something important. But you ran away from here and disappeared.' Rina laughed up a little.

'Yes, its tru. I will talk to her later.'

'All right, can i ask something?' 


'What happened between you abd Kirana? She was so strange!' Rina nearly forgot about her stepmothers action.

'She told me the truth about my life. Finally, she couldnt lie anymore.'

'And what happened? Who is she?' asked Zero as they were walking in the scilente darkness.

'She was my mothers best friend. When my grandmother kille hershelf, Kiranas family adopted Tora.'

'I understand. But....' Rina understood what Zero was thinking about.

'Yes, my grandmother, my mother and my sister also commited suicide.' Zeros eyes filled with surprise.

'But why? Whats this in your family?' Rina took a deep breath.é

'Its an illness, called suicism. It effect the mental state and cause depression. Deep depression.'

'So thats why they...'

'Yes. Kirana said that my mother killed hershelf when i was sitting next to her.'

'And what about your sister?' Zero asked.

'She wanted me to see what she could. So she cut me. Thats why Kirana sent her to a mental hospital, where she killed hershelf.'

'What was the thing she could see?'

'Our mother.' she took a deeep breath again. ' When it happened, Kirana came here and asked Kaname to make me forget everything.'

'So you were right, Kaname was the one who took your memories.' she nooded.

'Yes. At first i am mad at Kirana becouse of this. I couldnt understand why she sent Acumi to a mental hospital while she was not insane. But now, i know that she just tryed to save me and she was so scared of everything. She tryed to protect me from this, but she couldnt.'

'Why?' Zeros eyes went wide. 'Wait, you said earlyer that you could talk to your mother.' Rina nooded.

'Thats why i say she couldnt. I am ill too.'

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