I hate you!

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Rina startd to run after Yuki, who was heading towards their room. She wanted to explain her everything, she wanted to tell her that it was not what she tought.

'Why do you care?' asked Tora.

'Becouse i am better that that!'

'She deserved it!' Rina shook her head.

'No, she didnt!'

She broke into their room after Yuki and grabbed the crying girls hand.

'Yuki, stop!'

'What do you want?' she turned around and shouted. Her eyes were filled with sedness and with disappointment.

'I want to explain you this! It was not what you think!'

'Really? Than what was this?'

'Pleasem just listen to me!'

'Why did you lie to me? You said that you didnt like Lord Kaname!' she cried.

'And its tru, i didnt lie to you!'

'But he kissed you! I saw it Rina!'

'Yes but...' she wanted to explain it somehow, but she had to realize that Yuki need to hear this from Kanames mouth to believe it. 'You know what, Yuki? Stay here! Give me 2 minutes and i ll be back!'

'Why?' Yuki asked, confused.

'Just stay, all right?'

She ran out of the room. Fucking pureblood, i am not going to loose Yuki becouse of you! She tought while she was running back down, to find Kaname. When she was in the schoolground, she could see him standing and talking with Hanabuse, Ruka, Senri and Takuma. She was so angry that she wasnt even thinking about what to say.

'Kuran!' she shouted angrily and ran to the group. Ruka and Hanabuse went red from anger, but Kaname stayed calm.

'How dare you call him in this way?' Shouted Ruka. 'Ask apologise, now!' Rina laughed up and grabbed Kanames hand.

'You are going to hear me sing an opera earlyer, Ruka!' she said.

'What did you say?' Ruka shouted, but Rina didnt care about her anymore.

'You are coming with me now! Explain Yuki what happened, i am not going to loose my friend because of your childish game!' Rina said and pulled Kaname with her towards her dorm.

'You are shaking, Rina!'

'Of course, i am shaking!' She said without looking back to him. ' I could kill you with my bare hands right now! What the hell were you thinking?'

They opened the door of her room, and Yuki was still there, standing by the window. Her eyes were red from the tears.

'So, Kaname! Explain her!' said Rina.

'Yuki, i am sorry!' started Kaname.

'You kissed her, Lord Kaname.' she cried.

'It was not what you think, Yuki! I ve never told you before, but you should know that the only one i love, is you!' Yuki blushed and stopped crying.

'Than why?' Kaname stepped to her and gently touched her face.

'I just wanted Zero to care about her! We are playing this game with Rina.' Rinas jaw dropped. What did he just say? It was not even tru!

'What? Why?' asked Yuki mora confused than ever before.

'Kaname!' Rina nearly screamed, and she felt like her chest is going to explode.

'Becouse she is in love with Zero!' Yuki opened her mouth and was staring at Rina.

'I asked you to explain her, not to tell her my secret!'

'And i did,i explaind her, right?' Rina wanted to scream up in anger or kill Kaname with the first thing she found.

'I hate you! Hate you! Hate you! Hate you!' she shouted and burst out of the room. He just told her my secret! Fuck you Kuran! You are an idiot! 

As she burst out of the building, she bumped into Zero. He couldnt imagine what happened that could make her more pissed that she was before.

'Are you all right?' he asked.

'Of yeah! I am perfectly fine!' she shouted, showind the opposite.

'Is everything ok with Yuki?' she nooded.

'As ok as it can be. But one day, i will kill this fucking bustard pureblood!

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now