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'Very well than. ' said Kaname and Rina turned around and left him there. Maybe, becouse she felt that he is not going to help her, maybe she was just too tyred to stay there and waste her time on the pureblood. As she passed the gate, the keeper was watching her, as if she was the devil itshelf, he couldnt imagine why Kaname let this girl to aim him with a gun. Rina couldnt understand too.

Why is he so strange? Why is everything so strange? How could he threaten me with Zero? She tought and decided to go back to Zero, to give back his Bloody Rose, so she started to walk back to him with her heavy legs. She felt she can callopse any time, and she nearly fall asleep as she was walking in the dark corridor. She was so exhusted from this day, that she didnt even know how she reached his room again, but after a long walk, she found hershelf in his room, closing the door behind her.

'I am back, thank you for your gun!' She walked to his table and put down the weapon, while the boy was watching her face.

'Could you talk to him?' he asked and Rina sat down next to him, she burryed her face into her palms.

'Uhh...yes, maybe.' she said, closing her weak eyes.

'Maybe? What happened?'

'Nothing, he didnt help me. As i expected.'

'Did you use my gun?' Rina shook her head.

'No, i wanted to, but he stopped me.' Zeros eyes went wide.

'You wanted to kill a pureblood vampire?' he asked, rage and worry in his voice too.

'No, i wanted to get answers. Thats not the same.'

'But he refused to give you them. What are you going to do?' Rina was thinking for a while. What exectly will i do now?

'I dont know, i dont have an idea.' she said, and forced her body to stand up. 'But now, i should go back to my room, to talk to Yuki. '

'Yes, she must be very curious, why you shot me down.' Rina nooded.

'Yes, and i had to explain her my relationship with Kaname. I dont want her to feel bed.' Zero nooded.

'Are you all right?' he asked, and Rina shook her head.

'No, i am not. But i can handle it, bye!'

'Bye, Rina.'

Rina left his room, and walked back to hers, as fast as she could. The only thing she wanted was to reach her bad, to feel the cold blanket under her aching body and to finally has the time to think about her life. She was ill, and she didnt even have time to accept it, or realize what it means.

She opened the door of her room, and found Yuki standing by the window in her uniform. She nearlyjumped up, as she saw Rina.

'Rina, finally you are here! Where were you all day? ' Yuki asked angrily, and Rina closed the door behind her.

'I had something to do. I was busy.' Rina said and sat down.

'And can you tell me what happened between you and Zero? Why did you shot him? Do you know how dangerous it was?' Yuki yelled at her, but she was so tyred that she couldnt even feel rage, and truth was, she was right.

'I know, Yuki, and i am really sorry. I didnt want to hurt him, or anybody else. '

'Than why did you do this? You are so.....unusual lately.' Yuki said.

'I had to, i didnt have any other chance. Yuki, i have some family problems, and becouse of this, i had to go out to the city, but Kaname told Zero to stop me. I had to shot him, and he understands this.' Yukis eyes went wide.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now