The day of broken windows

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Rina left her room, last time in her life. It was hard to leave behind this place, that was like her home for years, and Yuki, who was like her sister, knowing that she can never see them again, knowing that she wont talk to Yuki anymore. Even if she wanted to break down, she stayed strong, not for hershelf, but for Yuki. She didnt want to make it even harder, thats why she left the room so early. Remember me as a strong girl, not as a crying baby! She tought, and left her dorm, where nearly everybody was sleeping. The night was cool and the air was fresh, but heavy from the smell of death and the stars were sparkling on the dark sky. She was watching it for a while, breathing in the cool air, and made her way towards the gate. She still had 3 hours until the meeting with Zero, but she decided to go up to the roof, with the bell and the fiol of blood in her pocket. It was hard to believ that its really over. Those were her last hours and she was scared. Scared of everything what was in front of her. Maybe the Hell, maybe Heaven, maybe a next life, but maybe nothing. Tears floated her eyes as she was walking up in the steirs, and reached the roof, knowing that its the last place in her life. The sky was dark, just like the horizont. There were npo sign of Sunrise, but it was coming. She felt it in her bones. It was over. She had only one business left, and it was the most important. Zero.

I am waiting for you Zero! As i always did. I am waiting for you since years to realize how much i love you, but even now, in my last hours, you still dont know anything. I kept this secret for years, but why? Why? And why cant i love someone else? She tought and Ichirus face appeared in front of her. She grabbed the little bell, and it felt like it gave her some strength. Why cant i love you more than him? It would be so easy! She was breathing havyly, but couldnt calm down. She wanted to see Ichiru, part of her still wanted to run after him, and live the life she dreamed of. You can still change your mind! She heard Shizukas words again, but she shook her head. No, i dont want to change my mind! I am just scared of death. She wanted to live, more that ever before, she wanted to stay alieve, but at the same time, she wanted to heal Zero. He was her destiny, it was clear from the begginning.

Tima passed too fast, and the sky was not as dark as before, while Rinas heart went faster. I want more time! It cant be over now, its so early! she started sobbing, but she knew that its pointless. Part of her wanted to stop the time, to live a little longer, but the other part of her wanted to make it even faster, because waiting for death to come was so painful, horryble. I want it to be over finally. Come Zero! Come!

It was nearly 3, and the sky was a deep shade of grey, but the Sun was close, too close, and Zero was still nowhere. What if he wont come? What if it was for the nothing? She tought and panic took over her. She started to walk desperetely on the roof. Come! Come Zero please! I have to give you the blood! She tought, but truth was, she didnt want ti die alone. Even if she couldnt be next to him through the long years, in the end, she wanted to be with him. She wanted to close her eyes in his arms. She was shaking badly from the image that maybe everything was for the nothing. I dont want to end my life alone. Please! she whispered, when the door of the roof finally opened. In the weak light, Zeros silver hair appeared, and it was as if everything was all right. Rina calmed down. It was not for the nothing!

Zero wa sleepi and curious about what was so important, but when he saw the pale, almost white girl, looking at him with tears in her eyes, he bevame worryed.

'Finally, Zero!' she whispered weakly.

'I am here, whats wrong? Why did you want to meet so early?' he asked and Rina smiled, feeling the fiol in her palm.

'Do you remember what i promised you after the ball?' Zero was thinking and nooded.

'Yes. You promised that you will stay alieve, and that you will help me.' Rina smiled again, while the stars were slowly fading away in the light.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now