The First Experience

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TW: Mentions of sex and sexual abuse

Going through a very overwhelmed and anxious episode right now. I'ma be okay, but I'm not okay right now...if that makes sense? So yeah, hopefully I don't screw up anything while writing during this time.

Max walked up to the door of her new home. It didn't look like much from the apartment hallway, but she hoped it would bring new possibilities into her life. Even though she lives there and had a key, she knocked so she could get Lukas' attention without scaring him.

Lukas opened the door and smiled. He gasped, "my princess made it!"

Max hugged him like she hadn't seen him in months. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes, I missed you. It's only been a couple days though." Lukas chuckled and picked her up. He carried her to the living room, which wasn't far from the door. He put her down by the couch. It was the only furniture that was properly set up yet. The beds were in the rooms, just not properly constructed. "Where's your mom?"

"Getting stuff from the car." Max looked around. She has seen the apartment inside before, but this time felt different. She was actually sleeping here tonight. "I'm so scared, And so nervous."

"I know, me too." Lukas admitted and looked around. "But hey, we have a place together...I can't wait to see your beautiful smile everyday."

"Aw..." Max held Lukas' hand. "You're so pathetic." She told him jokingly.

"Hey!" Lukas picked up her hand and examined it. "You're not wearing your ring."

"I told you I'd keep forgetting, I'm not a jewelery person." Max sat on the couch and yawned. "I'm already tired."

"How do you think I feel? I've been getting everything ready so far." Lukas opened the door again when Susan knocked. "Welcome home, mom."

Susan smiled and placed a box down by the door. "Hey darlin', sorry we weren't here to help the last couple days."

"It's okay, it hasn't been that bad." Lukas gestured to the living room. "Take a seat, you just had a long drive. I'm going to go get the beds ready for tonight. I've been sleeping on the couch."

"I'll give you a hand with the beds, I'm not that tired." Susan insisted and followed Lukas into his and Max's room.

The two of them put together the bed frame, and lowered the mattress onto it. It took more energy than you'd expect, then it was time to put the sheets on. Susan did that while Lukas was looking around the room, figuring out where they would put a dresser when they got one.

"This room is a decent size." Susan pointed out while fixing the sheet on each corner.

"Yeah, I think it'll have enough space for our stuff." Lukas nodded. He would be sharing a bedroom with Max. All they could afford was a two bedroom apartment. Although at one point Lukas offered to sleep on the couch, and let Max have her own bed.

"You know you're a very lucky boy. I would of never been okay with Max sharing a bed with a boy. You're a special acception." Susan told Lukas honestly.

"I appreciate that. My mom nearly had a heart attack when I told her me and Max would be sharing a room." Lukas chuckled and checked his phone, remembering that his mom was going to text him when she got home.

"Aw, was she here today?"

Lukas nodded. "Yeah, she left a little while ago. It's a long drive, but at least it's not so long that nobody can come visit us."

"Yeah, we got a good spot here. This is one of the nicer cheap apartments I've seen." Susan looked around and cringed at the yellowed walls. "Well, my only complaint is the nasty color they put on the walls."

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