Doesn't Feel Like The Holidays

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Lukas spent several hours in the hospital with Max, helping her settle in for the next couple days. He didn't see this coming, but he was thankful that it was only for a couple days and not the entirety of winter break.

"I can't believe they are keeping me for two days..." Max complained while trying to get comfortable in her bed.

"I know, it sucks. But let's think of it as a positive thing. They're going to help you through this, so you can come back home and things will go back to normal." Lukas was hoping things would go back to normal after her hospital stay. They could put the incident behind them.

A nurse walked in, typical forced smile. "Hello Maxine, are you settling in okay?"

"Mhm..." Max tried not to grumble, this was for her own good. If she responded too harshly to the staff, she might end up being kept for longer.

"How do you do with needles?" The nurse asked.

Max shrugged. She disliked them like everyone else, but usually she could deal with them. "Doesn't bother me...why?"

"I'm going to get an IV in you, okay? Just so we can give you some fluids." The nurse spoke softly and kind. Not wanting to upset or overwhelm Max more.

"Mn...okay?" Max agreed skeptically. She hated needles like she hated chores, but she could manage it.

The nurse smiled. "Thanks for the cooperation, I'll be right back." The nurse left to get the materials she needed.

"I don't know if I've ever had an IV." Max told Lukas.

"No?" Lukas ran his hand along her arm and rested it on top of hers. He remembered the time she was in the hospital for the miscarriage, she had an IV then. She probably blocked it from her memory, and Lukas didn't see the point in reminding her. "It doesn't hurt more than a normal needle. It feels a little weird at first, that's it."

Max turned her hand over to hold Lukas'. Sometimes she forgot that her boyfriend had his own trauma. He was always making her the center of attention instead of himself. "You've probably had a lot of experience with them..."

"Mhm..." Lukas smiled so Max didn't get upset. "But it's okay, I'm healthy now. I get checkups monthly, no worries."

Max pulled Lukas' hand up to her face, and he lovingly rubbed her cheek. She was so thankful that he wasn't still scared to touch her. "You're not...afraid of me, are you?"

"No, not at all." Lukas proved it by moving close enough to kiss her forehead. "We're going to learn how to deal with this from now on. So no one gets hurt."

"I feel so fucking bad..." Max tried to make eye contact with Lukas, but it was painful. Seeing him bruised by her. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Max..." Lukas reassured.

"I'm like, the world's worst girlfriend...forgets to wear my promise ring, traumatized, can't have sex, past drug use, hits you–" Max stopped talking as the nurse walked back in.

"Alright, this won't take long." The nurse set everything aside. "What arm would you like it in?"

"Right..." Max offered the arm that was the closest to Lukas.

Lukas put one hand under Max's arm in case he had to hold her, and he used the other hand to keep holding hers. "Look at me, darling."

"Lukas, I'm not scared." Max reminded him.

"Shh, it's okay." Lukas whispered to her soothingly.

Max glared at him, confused as to why he was treating her like a baby. Then she realized how tense her body was. She had been too focused on other things to pay attention to her own body. How Lukas managed to pick up on her anxious body language before her, she had no idea.

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