Walmart Security

215 9 9

TW// Implied Racism

The day before Christmas Eve crept up like a killer. No one was ready for the impending holiday, but they couldn't slow time. All they could do was take a deep breath and slap on a smile.

"Here's the list, don't worry if you can't get some of it." Sue handed over the grocery list. She was sending Lukas and Max out into the festive crowds. Of course she didn't want to overwhelm them, but they did offer.

"Okay, we should be able to get it all..." Lukas scanned the list.

Max walked down the steps after getting ready. She even put on a little makeup, trying to push the illusion that she was perfectly fine now. "I'm ready to go."

"That's a pretty color." Charles mentioned, sipping his morning tea.

"Oh, my shirt?" Max looked down. She was wearing a yellow top, with daisies on it.

"Well yes, but I was talking about your eyeshadow." Charles had a daughter, he understood the basics of makeup.

"Oh..." Max had to let that sink in. She needed to remind herself that Charles was a good man, his eyes weren't going to go straight to her chest. "You noticed?"

"Yeah?" Charles smiled.

"Thank you..." Max smiled back and walked over to Lukas. "Are we going now?"

"Yeah, we better head out...bye mom, dad... we'll try to make it back alive." Lukas said his goodbyes dramatically before heading out to his car.


They had only been shopping for an hour, but they were both losing their sanity in the crowd. "We forgot to get the garlic powder..." Max reluctantly told Lukas while checking the list.

"Seriously?" Lukas groaned and turned back around. "Good thing you checked the list." Lukas headed back down the aisle of spices, trying to avoid the people around them. Lukas grabbed the garlic powder and tossed it in the cart. " that everything?"

"Actually, I have a request." Max knew he wouldn't care, but she still felt bad making him get something else.

"Yeah?" Lukas walked out of the spice aisle.

"I need period stuff. I forgot to bring some, and I might need them." Max told him nonchalant. They had been through so much. Max couldn't care less that Lukas knew the details or her menstrual cycle now.

"Oh, have a pretty heavy flow, don't you?" He assumed his sister's products wouldn't work the same for her, and his mom recently stopped needing that stuff.

"Lukas!" Max pinched him playfully.

"I'm just asking!" Lukas defended himself.

"In the middle of Walmart?" Max huffed.

"Max, it's Walmart. I promise, talking about heavy flows is the most normal thing happening in this shit hole." Lukas had a good point.

Max decided to agree with him while leading the way to the hygiene products. She scanned the shelf, it looked like they rearranged everything.

While Max was looking for what she needed, Lukas also looked around. "Do I even want to know?" Lukas asked, holding up a diva cup.

Max snickered and took it from him. "I've never used one. You're supposed to just pinch it, and put it in."

Lukas stared at her, wondering if she was serious. "No way..."

"Yeah!" Max giggled. "It collects the blood, and you're supposed to be able to slip it back out."

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