The Letter

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TW// Mentions of sex and sexual abuse.

"Oh My god, I'm so tired." Max groaned, stretching out her back. "My back is killing me, I feel old."

"You aren't going to make it to 25." Lukas joked while getting his bed ready to sleep in. He made sure to adjust his pillows the way he liked them, then he fixed Max's side of the bed.

"Oh, screw you." Max groaned while still trying to stretch out her back. "Are you ready for your gift from me?"

"Uh, yes. I think so?" Lukas was a bit hesitant. The fact that she wanted to wait until they were going to bed, was suspicious. "Max, this better not be like that birthday where you tried to force yourself onto me."

"I did not try to force myself on you." Max walked to her side of the bed and got the letter.

"I guess that's true, but you did try to force yourself to be intimate...what's that?" Lukas sat on the bed and looked at the letter in her hands.

"It's not much..." Max looked down at the paper. She considered ripping it up right there, never letting him read it. However, it was the only gift she had for him. "It's a letter for you." She handed it to him reluctantly. "Since, you know...I struggle to speak from my heart."

"Oh?" Lukas was intrigued. He quickly opened the letter and started reading. Max sat next to him awkwardly, looking over his shoulder.

Dear Lukas,

Before I met you, I didn't think men could be more than temperamental wardens. Screaming, disciplining, tough lovers without the love.

You changed my perspective on so many other things too. Like life and family. You showed me true unconditional love. You love me like family, not just a girlfriend. You're always there for me, patiently waiting to help. You expect nothing in return.

You made me realize that life fucking sucks, but that's okay. As long as I have your arms to fall in, the world can burn me as much as it wants.

That's why I'd like to give being a wife a chance one day. I know with you, it could be right. Knowing you, you're already thinking about the perfect venue. The perfect bakery, the perfect ring. You're perfect for me, and I trust you to take care of me for the rest of my life.

Just promise you'll let me take care of you too.

Love, Darling :)

"It's stupid, I'm sorry." Max tried to take the letter from him.

"No, don't." Lukas folded the letter and put it beside him. "You really mean that?" Lukas turned to her, placing a hand on her arm.

"What?" Max blushed for the first time in awhile. "The wife thing? I mean, yeah? Ya know, one day...after school maybe? When we like...have everything figured out and we have stable jo-" Max's rambling was silenced by a kiss. She closed her eyes and melted into the peaceful display of love.

Susan walked into the room quickly, not bothering to knock. Though she wished she did when she saw the two teenagers making out on the bed. "What are you two doing?!"

"I'm so sorry!" Lukas jumped up and covered his face. "It's not what you think, we were just kissing!"

"We never go further than kissing, I promise!" Max added.

Susan crossed her arms and sighed. They were getting older, she couldn't be mad even if they were planning on doing more. Yet, she knew her daughter. She knew Max was most likely being honest, and it was just a bold kissing session. "Right, well I'm sorry for walking in..." Susan tried to respect their privacy. "I just wanted to let you know Steve called me, I'm heading to his place. He needs someone to talk to. Apparently he thinks I can help, s'pose it's because I'm old..."

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