Missing Mom

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The next morning Max woke up to an empty bed. She groaned and crawled out of the bed. Her back was even worse this morning. She spent at least 15 minutes stretching before heading downstairs. Lukas was sitting with his mom on the couch.

"Morning." Sue said when she noticed Max. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Mhm..." Max was still half asleep. "M'honey."

"Yeah?" Lukas looked up from his phone, he had been texting someone.

"You left me alone in the bed." She whined. For whatever reason, she was whiny this morning. Lukas woke up before her all the time at the apartment. Waking up alone was normal, perhaps she was whiny because her inner self knew something was wrong.

"Sorry beautiful, I went to the bathroom then my mom called me downstairs." Lukas apologized, then looked back down at his phone.

"Is something wrong?" Max wondered after seeing how interested Lukas looked towards his phone.

"No, just trying to text Steve. Your mom stayed at his house all night. Just worried about Barb." Lukas explained. He didn't bother to tell her the full truth.

"Oh...I hope everything is okay. It's strange for Steve to ask anyone to keep him company, especially my mom. I mean, they are kind of close I guess...but not that close." Max sat on the couch quietly, things stayed quiet for awhile.

Then Lukas got a message that made him immediately look at his mom. See, they didn't actually know if Susan  stayed all night or not. They just assumed she did when she didn't come home. Although Sue had a painful feeling that something wasn't right. That's why she wanted Lukas to get in touch with Steve. "Steve says Susan left last night at around 1:00 AM."

Max furrowed her brows and stood up. "Wait, what? You said she was staying all night?"

Lukas shrugged. "We were hoping she did...did your mom text you last night or this morning?"

"Hmm..." Max ran upstairs to grab her phone. She came back down just as fast. "I-I got a missed call from her at 1:40 AM. I always silence my phone before I go to sleep."

"Could she of went somewhere else?" Sue wanted to be rational despite her sick feeling.

"I don't know? The hospital with Barb, maybe. I mean, the nurses think she's her mom so...maybe she got let in despite visiting restrictions?" Lukas wanted to be rational too. He would lose his mind if anything happened to Susan. It would devastate him and seeing Max mourn her mom might be painful enough to kill him.

"I'm calling her." Max said urgently and called her mom.

"Does Steve know somewhere she might of went?" Sue asked.

"He said the hospital is his guess, but she said she was coming home..." Things went quiet, meaning Max didn't get an answer. After several calls, things stayed quiet.

"Get ready, you're taking me to the hospital." Max ordered Lukas, and he listened. Without her command he was still going to go look for Susan.


They got to the hospital, and had to wait around for visiting hours to officially open. Once they were open, they headed into Barb's room. Barb was alone, asleep when they got there.

"Maybe your mom went to the bathroom?" Lukas stayed optimistic.

Max walked over to Barb and woke her by gently rubbing her arm. "Barbie..."

Barb blinked a bunch of times before her eyes adjusted to the horrid lighting. "Max, when did you get here?"

"Just now...is my mom here?"

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