Park Photography

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That night Lukas tried to go to sleep, but it was hard. His girlfriend was tossing and turning. He could practically see the thought bubbles above her head. Eventually he gave up and turned on the lamp. "Max, what's going on?"

"Can't sleep..." Max stated obviously.

"What's bothering you?" Lukas yawned.

"Just thinking..." Max sat up slowly and hugged her knees. "My life is one big cluster fuck...born to two people that didn't love each other, abused by my stepfather, I had a miscarriage because of him... sustained life long trauma that blocks me from having a normal mom is a murderer, and I wasn't worth killing for..." Max rambled on, overtired.

"Max, everyone has shitty parts of their past. I fought lymphoma, watched my girlfriend get taken advantage of while at gunpoint, been severely bullied, and frankly... I used to cry myself to sleep because of my race." Lukas tried to make her see that everyone has trauma, but that didn't have to define them. "But I'm so happy now, and things are going to get better for us. Okay?"

Max just sat quietly and breathed in and out slowly. Then she leaned over to hug her boyfriend. "I'm a fucking mess...I ruined my weekend with Will because of my stupid grudge against Nathan."

"Well, Nathan did sexually assault you." Lukas was so upset about what happened during the overdose, that he was now seeing it as an actual attack. This was probably brought on front his own trauma with Neil.

"I dunno...maybe...maybe it was really with good intentions..." Max rubbed her eyes. She was starting to change her mind. "You think he had bad intentions?"

Lukas let out a deep breath. As upset as the situation made him, he had to say what was best for Max to hear. "No, I'm just being too were dying, he needed to save you. I'm glad he did, and I might of had to do the same thing."

Max nodded slowly and reconsidered her views on Nathan. "I've been a total bitch to him...I mean, Robin and Barb were in the room. He...he wouldn't of been able to do anything perverted to me. Plus, he did rush to the scene to help me." Max had a revelation as she realized Nathan hadn't tried to sexually harass her. She liked to think it was the weed in her system, helping her mind relax and reevaluate. "Oh my god, I've been a bitch this whole time!"

"Shh, you're not a bitch." Lukas squeezed her tightly and kissed her cheek. "We should try to go to bed now."

"I still feel too stressed to sleep." Max complained.

"Can I help at all?" Lukas offered.

"Can I do the thing again?" Max raise an eyebrow.

"Uh, nice try. No, There's still far too much weed in your system." Lukas pulled away and started fixing his pillows. "Maybe tomorrow night when you're sober."

"When I did it the first time I was high!" Max huffed.

"Not high, you hadn't had enough to be high. You were still in your right mind." Lukas corrected.

"Oh, fine..." Max got comfortable with her pillow and blanket. "Can I go check on Fluffer?"

"Who's Fluffer?" Lukas yawned again.

"That's what I decided to name the cat." Max said proudly.

"The cat is fine...that's a dumb name." Lukas chuckled.

"Whatever, you're just jealous." Max relaxed as Lukas turned the lamp off again. "Goodnight honey, I love you."

"Love you too." Lukas put a loose arm over her before falling asleep.

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