Life Without Mom

226 11 20

Two Months Later

TW// Mentions of sex

Life didn't necessarily get easier with time, but it was different. Susan was in jail, awaiting trial. Max had grasped a job, and Lukas' parents were constantly sending them pity money. They were financially stable, that might of been the only stable thing for them besides their relationship.

Max was halfway through her shift at a new trendy clothing store, "Glam Boutique". The only thing glamours about the shop was it's clothing. The employees were some of the most ignorant people Max had met, except one girl.

"There's my favorite redhead!" A young lady approached Max with a bubbly smile.

"Hey, Chrissy." Max didn't look up from the clothes she was folding.

"I'm taking over for Doris today, thank me later." Chrissy giggled before walking to the front desk.

"Thank God." Max mumbled under her breath.

"Excuse me..." A customer caught Max's attention.

"Yeah?" Max turned around, already screaming on the inside. She had this job for almost a month, and was already at her wits end with humanity.

"Is your outfit from here?" They asked.

"Oh, yes it is." Max had no choice. It was mandatory for her to wear clothes from the brand while working. On the bright side, she got a lot of clothes on a great discount.

"I think my daughter would like it, is it in stock?"

"Uh, should be!" Max led the customer to the other end of the store. Once she successfully made the sale, she went back to refolding the clothing on the tables.

"You could sell anything, couldn't you?" Chrissy teased from the register.

"I'm not even trying." Max chuckled.

"It's because you're so pretty, you make the clothes look fantastic." Chrissy complimented. Chrissy was the kind of person that drowned everyone in nice words. Coworkers, customers, sometimes even strangers on the street.

"Aw, thanks." Max respectfully accepted the compliment and continued business as usual.


Max got home to an empty house. Lukas usually came home for the day an hour after her. She didn't mind though, her hour of solitude was sacred to her. It was the only time she got any cleaning done.

Max threw off her jacket and ripped off her shoes. She rushed through the kitchen and got to her bedroom. Susan's room was now hers, she didn't sleep with Lukas. Originally it was temporary, because Max wanted to feel close to her mom again. Now they were just used to sleeping separately, and preferred it that way. It didn't mean they didn't love each other, they just really needed their own space. A place they could go to be alone when emotions got tough. Sometimes Max would sneak into Lukas' room for a sleepover, but only when she was feeling really lonely.

Max opened up her bedside table and pulled out a package of cannibas gummies. She may of been doing a bit of self medicating, but it was the only thing getting her through. Lukas knew, and kept her cannibas habits monitored. It took awhile for him to get used to it, but he eventually supported her cannibas use fully. It did genuinely help her, and she was being responsible thus far.

After a couple gummies, Max ran around the house trying to get some small tasks done. With their busy schedules, they barely had time to clean.

By the time Lukas came home, she was passed out on the couch. Purely because she was exhausted. Lukas walked into the apartment, rubbing his eyes. He was exhausted too. "Darling?" After approaching the couch, he came to the conclusion that she was asleep. Reluctantly he shook her awake. He hated waking her, but he knew she'd appreciate it later. If she slept now, she'd be up all night.

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