Love Gives Life A Point

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"I'll try to be quick." Max said while opening the car door.

"Take what time you need, I'll wait here." Lukas told her. He could of just went home, but he wanted to be outside the hotel in case he was needed.

Max got out and walked inside. She checked her phone for the room number Will had texted her. Once she got to the room, she knocked a couple times. She could of walked on in but was nervous that maybe somehow, she had the wrong room.

Will opened the door and let her in quickly. "Thank God you're here, I'm going crazy."

"Noo, it's okay." Max hugged him tightly, seeing that he had been crying. "What happened?"

"Nathan...we started arguing this morning about stuff, and he got pretty upset." Will pressed his face into Max's shoulder.

"What was the fight about?" Max asked curiously.

"Just small stuff, and it escalated." Will avoided giving an exact explanation. "I know he's going to come back, but I still feel abandoned." He whined.

"I would too." Max pulled away from the hug. "Do you guys fight a lot?"

"No, we've probably only fought like once before...not that long ago I guess." Will crossed his arms and hung his head. "It feels like since we've grown, life only gets worse. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth having a relationship. All this crying and heartbreak is pointless." Will started sobbing again.

"Shh, it's okay." Max brought him to the bed and sat down with him. "You know, I feel that all the time. Feeling like everything only gets worse, and being happy is pointless...then Lukas comes and hugs me, tells me he loves me. Love hurts like a bitch sometimes, but at the end of the day it's the only thing that gives life a point."

"Wow, weed has really made you deep." Will joked between tears.

"God, I know. I can't help it." Max leaned back, supporting herself with her hands. "You'd tell me if Nathan was treating you bad, right?"

"Yeah, of course. You know I'm too sensitive to handle someone hurting me all the time." Will insulted himself. "Nathan is a good boyfriend, we're both just stressed out and it's causing tension between us..." He said honestly.

"I'll believe you...I've been pretty hard on Nathan..." Max admitted. She sat up quickly at a knock on the door. "Who's that?" She assumed if it was Nathan, he would of just walked in. They had the door unlocked.

"Can you get it?" Will quickly dried his eyes.

"Yeah." Max went to the door and opened it. It was Nathan. "Oh, hi...why didn't you just come in?"

"I heard you guys talking, I didn't want to walk in and frighten you. What's...going on?" Nathan walked in awkwardly and shut the door.

"Just talking..." Max stood by the door.

"Are you okay?" Nathan noticed Will looked very upset.

"Yes." Will lied and stood up. "Thanks for coming to see me, Max."

Max nodded, taking that as a cue to leave. Will probably wanted to talk things out with Nathan. "No problem, I hope you guys work everything out."

"Yeah, thank you." Will sighed while accepting a hug from Nathan.

Max put her hand on the doorknob, but knew she had something else to say. "Nathan..."

"Yeah?" Nathan looked over at her.

"I forgive you..." Max muttered, but meant it. She left the room, but lingered in the hallway for a couple minutes. Mostly eavesdropping outside the door, making sure no yelling started. She could barely hear them talking, so that was a good sign.

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