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TW// Mentions of abuse, manipulation

The next morning Lukas was woken up by Max trying to wiggle her way into his arms. He groaned and sleepily threw an arm around her. "Mn, morning."

"Sorry, I was trying not to wake you." Max apologized and cuddled into his chest. "It's 8:38 though...your mom said if we weren't up by 9:00 AM, she was going to come yank us out of bed."

"Mn, okay.." Lukas rubbed his eyes. "Did you sleep good?"

"Kind of...did you?" Max asked.

"Mhm..." Lukas yawned and slowly moved away from Max, and sat up. "You go ahead and get ready, I want to call Steve first."

"Alright." Max crawled out of bed and stretched. She was definitely staying in her pajamas, but she at least had to brush her hair and teeth.

"Jeez, were you in a hurricane?" Lukas asked when he noticed how messy Max's hair was.

"No, I forgot to use conditioner last night and this happened." Max looked in the mirror. "Oh God-" she grabbed her hairbrush and stationed herself in front of Lukas' mirror, trying to detangle the hair disaster on her head.

"Yikes." Lukas got his phone and dialed Steve. Steve didn't pick up so he left a text for him instead, basically just asking how Barb was. He looked up after hearing Max's agitated sounds. "What's wrong?"

"This is going to take all my energy." She complained while trying to force the brush through a particularly tricky section.

"You're going to rip the hair out of your head, slow down-" Lukas got up and took the brush out of her hand.

"Excuse me, It's MY hair." Max crossed her arms.

"You're MY girlfriend. Turn, let me do it." Lukas gently turned her head. He started carefully brushing her hair, doing it in tiny sections to avoid pulling out an unnecessary amount of it. "You just need patience."

"I'm not helpless." Max argued.

"Neither am I but I still need extra help sometimes." Lukas yanked on her hair by accident. "Sorry! The brush got stuck."


Lukas slowed down even more. "sorry, I'll go slower."


Max and Lukas made it downstairs. There was a commotion in the kitchen so that's where they headed.

"I wouldn't go in there, you hate blood." Erica warned while sitting on the couch, petting the cat that only seemed to like her attention.

"Blood?!" Lukas turned to look at Max, but she was already in the kitchen. He had to follow now. He walked in and immediately felt weak. Susan was sitting at the table, while his father was trying to stop her hand from bleeding. "Oh my- what happened?!"

"Cut my hand, cutting carrots. Not a big deal, don' worry." Susan hissed in pain, and flinched when she felt an unannounced hand on her shoulder. It was just Max. "darlin' I'm okay."

"How bad is it?" Max put her arm around her mom, looking down at what Charles was doing. She cared about her mom's injury, but that wasn't why she was staying so close to her. She liked Charles, but he was still a man. Neil had ruined men for her.

"You figure she needs to go to the hospital?" Sue wondered with worry, continuing to prep the vegetables.

"I think she'll be okay. The cut isn't that bad, she's just bleeding a lot. Probably from all the moving around she's been doing." Charles kept pressure on the cut. He was being gentle and respectful. Yet, he could feel Max's eyes burning warnings into him. "Blood doesn't bother you?" He asked Max.

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