They Found The Car

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48 hours later

"You got to eat something, baby." Sue tried to encourage Lukas to eat the leftover spaghetti she just placed in front of him.

"Can't..." Lukas was taken over by dread, he couldn't think any positive thoughts. It was like life became torture, a living hell.

"Keep your spirits high, and your stomach full." She pushed the plate closer to him. "Just a little bit."

"Maybe later..." Lukas rubbed his eyes, they were burning with exhaustion. "It's a small town, they should've found her by now."

"It's only been a couple days, they will find her." Sue rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head. "Go see if Max wants to try eating."

"Doubt it..." Lukas got up and dragged himself upstairs. They were supposed to be at their apartment by now, back to their normal lives. He went to knock on the door to his bedroom, then realized it wasn't shut all the way. He pushed the door open and found his dad sitting on the edge of his bed, rubbing Max's back. "What's going on?" He had never seen his dad and girlfriend interact beyond simple talking before.

"I walked by and heard her crying...I was going to tell you, but I didn't want to disturb your eating." Charles explained and stood up. "Lukas is here now, Max."

Lukas took his father's place and put his hand on Max's back. "I'm here's going to be okay." Her hair was pulled neatly out of her face. It was unlikely she did it herself. Lukas kissed her exposed cheek and whispered, "I love you." To her.

"Do you need me for anything now?" Charles asked.

" Actually, I need to head to Steve's place in a few minutes. Can you keep her company?" Lukas requested, Max seemed to be okay with Charles. Maybe she was just too sick to care if he hurt her.

"Yeah, sure." Charles agreed.

"Dad will keep you company, okay?" Lukas told Max, without getting a response. "She's shut down right now...but just stay next to her and wait it out with her" Lukas instructed.

"Okay, I'll call you if she needs you."


Lukas got to Steve's apartment and walked into a disaster. Steve was pacing around frantically, trying to soothe a crying baby. Barb's crying baby. The apartment was too messy to even call it messy. It was a dump.

"Oh Sinclair, you're here..." Steve sighed in relief. "Make the baby stop crying. I've changed him, fed him, burped him, rocked him. I'm going insane."

"I don't know how to take care of a baby!" Lukas protested.

"But you're like really good at comforting Max, try your abilities out on the baby." Steve tried to put the baby in Lukas' arms.

"Max and a baby are two different things!" Lukas sighed and took the baby out of Steve's arms. Of course he knew how to hold a baby, he had a younger sister. "You just need patience."

"It's hard, I'm fucking pulling my hair out here...Love Barb to death, but this baby is making everything worse." He whispered, it was a small apartment and Barb was resting in the bedroom. "Any more calls from the police?"

"No...not yet. What did you want to talk about?" Lukas was there because Steve wanted to chat in person.

"I-" Steve paused when he realized Jackson wasn't crying anymore. "what'd you do?"

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