A Real Dad

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Everyone was still awake when the teenagers returned. Susan, Sue, and Charles were shocked when they saw Lukas returning with Max. As well as Will, who was still with them.

"What the heck happened?" Sue stood up and approached them. "Isn't she supposed to be in the hospital?"

"Go upstairs with Will." Lukas told Max gently, and waited until she was upstairs before answering his mom's burning question. "Something always happens."

"Is she alright?" Susan got up and headed upstairs as well.

"I thought you were going for a drive with Will?" Charles sat up on the couch.

Lukas took a seat next to his dad. "I was, me and Will were hanging out. Max called, saying they made her stay in a room with another patient. I went to see what was going on. Apparently they had an emergency and needed multiple rooms. So, there was no way for Max to stay without sharing a room. They claim they had no other patients under the age of 20, so she was roomed with a 40 something, man...their only compromise was to put Max with an elderly woman, who was there for trying to kill her cat, I might add..." Lukas paused to look at the horrified expression on his mom's face. "So, yeah...you can understand why I pressured them to release her. She needs to go back in a couple days to be reevaluated, and they want us to keep monitoring her."

"That hospital really has went downhill, hasn't it?" Charles shook his head. "Putting that young lady in a room with a grown man...in any context, that's very unprofessional."

"Yeah...when I showed up there was a nurse trying to calm her down. While threatening to give her a sedative." Lukas winced at the thought, he was glad Max called him.

"Oh yeah, good idea. Sedate the girl and leave her in the room with a grown man." Sue huffed and crossed her arms. "Good thing you brought her home." Sue didn't have the best feelings towards Max right now, but she wouldn't wish any more trauma onto her.

"I know..." Lukas was happy to know his mom agreed with his decision. "I'm surprised they let me take her since I'm not family. I think they were afraid that I would report the incident or something." Lukas got up and walked to the steps. "I need to bring Will home."

Lukas went to the guestroom, not shocked when he saw Will and Max hugging on the bed. They were even rocking, cradling each other. Susan was in the room, in the process of plugging Max's phone in to charge.

"Can I come in?" Lukas didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Yeah." Max looked at him but didn't fully let go of Will. "Are your parents mad?"

"No, they understand." Lukas sat on the bed. "Will, you ready to go home?"

Will nodded and gave Max one more squeeze. "You can do better, you have to." Will whispered to her, he knew what happened.

Max pulled away from Will and rubbed some residual tears off her face. "I promise to pick up my phone next time..."


Max woke up in the middle of the night, needing to go to the bathroom. She quietly crawled out of bed, not wanting to wake her mom. Susan was sharing a bed with her, to keep her closely monitored.

Max used the bathroom. On the way back, she noticed Erica's room door was open. Curiosity took over so she crept closer. Upon hearing a male voice coming from the room, her heart sank. She moved closer. She felt worse once she realized it was Erica's dad.

Max and Erica were cool, not close, but cool with each other. So, Max couldn't let her curiosity lose in this situation. She stood right by the opened door, just out of sight. Listening in on what was going on.

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