Last Minute Anxiety

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This takes place about a year after the last book.

TW: Mentions of sex

"I would of never saw this day coming." Susan told Robin while putting her belongings into a box.

"Max going to college?" Robin asked.

"Oh no, she's a smart girl. She doubted herself, but I always knew she could get accepted. I'm talking about moving out with a perfect partner." Susan explained and started sealing the box. "And I definitely didn't plan to move in with them."

Robin chuckled and picked up the box. "I think it's awesome that you guys want to live together. Me and my mom, well...let's say if me and Barb ever move out together my mom won't be coming."

Susan nodded understandingly. "Do you think you and Barb will be moving out together soon?"

"Well..." Robin hesitated then nodded. "Yeah, I hope so. I really do love her. It's just, family issues. We want to be proud of our relationship, ya know? Right now it's kind of on the downlow around family."

"Ah, I see...well I'm sorry, darlin'. You know I'll always support you." Susan sighed and rubbed her back, all the packing was making her body ache. "speaking of Barb, do you think she's making any progress with Max?"

"I'm sure of it, she's an expert." Robin assured Susan. "Let's get this stuff in the car."

Meanwhile Max was sitting in the passenger's seat of Barbara's car. The windows were cracked open, and the speakers were playing Barbara's personal playlist.

"You know, it's normal to get last minute anxiety before you do something big. Moving away for college is a scary thing. But on the bright side, your lucky enough to get an apartment with your boyfriend and mom. You won't be alone." Barbara tried to gently push Max in a positive direction.

"I know, but it's still a big change..." Max sighed and rubbed her face. She had been crying on and off. "I don't think I'm ready to move away, and be an adult."

"You are not an adult yet, slow down." Barb laughed softly. "Moving away is intimidating, but it doesn't mean you'll lose anybody. Me, Robin, and everyone else will still keep in touch."

"I know but it'll be weird...not being around the same people." Max wouldn't have anyone else to run to if something did happen. Of course Lukas and Susan had no plans to hurt Max. Yet her mind wandered to those places. "I was finally hanging out with everyone again, and now we're all leaving for college."

"You'll keep in touch. The important people always find a way back into your life." Barbara promised her and slowed down the door. "Crap-"

"You okay?" Max temporarily forgot about her worries.

"Oh, yeah... nausea, I let Robin cook last night. I'm thinking she gave me food poisoning." Barb laughed awkwardly and drove slower to not upset her stomach further.

"Oh god- what did you let her cook?" Max winced at the thought of Robin cooking something that required focus.

"Uh, Chicken..." Barb struggled to remember, almost as if that was a lie.

"Really? You let her cook chicken?" Max shook her head. "You were asking for food poisoning."

"I know, I, are you ready to head back? You're supposed to leave in about an hour." Barb was eager to get home now.

"Can we just stop to see Steve?" Max asked.

"Didn't you say goodbye to him last night?"

Max nodded and replied, "yeah, but I want to see him again."

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